Follow-Up/Fitdog Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
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The twist and sneek away move.

The twist and sneek away move.

A great game of football.

nom nom nom I will destroy our footballs.

nom nom nom I will destroy our footballs.

Ended in a mess and no more football.

Time Warp with a little Tuesday’s Tails

Thank you Easy, Mollie and Alfie for such a fun blog hop. Will be hopping along again.
Tuesday’s Tales
A sad follow-up to Tuesday’s tails. Tuesday I did go to MADACC and bust my friends animals out of jail. They are very nice there and didn’t require me to get a rabies vaccination or show a proof of rabies vaccination on Oscar the cat as he was overdue. Cooper was up to date so didn’t need to worry about him. They didn’t even charge my friends brother a holding fee which was very nice. Will need to make a donation to their facility to make up for it!
Oscar who is now ~15 years old.

Oscar who is now ~15 years old.

I hadn’t seen Oscar in a few months as my friend was too sick for a visit. I knew he was being fed a presciption kidney diet as his kidneys weren’t working up to par but I didn’t realize how bad he was. I made the decision to humanely put him to sleep so he didn’t need to suffer anymore. He is with my friend now, hopefully they met up at the bridge. I will be having him cremated and will spread his ashes along with all her other pets.

On the other hand her dog Cooper is doing great and is healthy as a horse. He is 3 1/2 years old and was current on his vaccinations except Bordetella so the shelter gave him that. His weight is good, his hair coat is good. He got a good bath and trim and is looking like a little dude now. Looks like I didn’t have to look very hard to find him a home as my bosses nanny was raised with Shih Tzu’s and is so excited to give him a trial run. Cooper is still with me as I am re potty training him and spending time with him so I can feel close to my friend and have some closure.


Cooper before bath.

Cooper before bath.

After bath and finding his spot on the couch.

After bath and finding his spot on the couch.

Cooper and I.

Cooper and I.
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CRROW logo
Great cause to bring attention too. So many people who are attached to a breed (including me) don’t realize there are brand specific rescues ALL OVER. You want a Chessie? You can get one from a rescue!
Absolutely Right! People need to do a little research and look for smaller organizations that  have the breed specific animal that you are looking for. 
Whatcha eating?

Whatcha eating?

2browndawgs says:

That MK is quite a character. That kibble is large for a little kitty to crunch up. Bet she really has to work on it….lol.

I’ve notice since I started mixing her adult cat food in with her kitten to wean her onto the adult she doesn’t eat as much cat food and tries to eat the dogs food. She is taking Norman’s spot under the island when we eat and she begs for little yummy morsels. I give her a little nibblet and she is happy. I have to be very careful thou as all those little nibblet’s will make one big kitty. 

Quick question, what’s the best way to clean off plaque aside from daily brushing and routine dental visits? Is there a way to self-clean at home? Any special tools to use?
This is a do as I say don’t do as I do. Above is one time of hand scaler, there is another type that looks like a little hoe that will scale the dental plaque off. We use these at the clinic to do a hand scaling on areas of the mouth the ultrasonic scaler doesn’t reach. We don’t recommend people use these instruments at home as the dog is awake and can move and you may injure the gum line but more importantly when you use any type of scaler on the teeth it leaves grooves on the teeth that need to be polished off so the tarter doesn’t build up again. If not polished off the tarter will build up faster. Now onto the don’t do as I do speech, I will admit I will hand scale my dogs teeth at home and don’t polish afterwards. It does space out the need for dental cleanings and gets the plaque off the tooth so that gingivitis doesn’t happen. This will not clean under the gum line so if plaque is left there it will work at the periodontal ligament and  weaken it so one day the tooth will become loose and need to come out so dental cleanings at a veterinary clinic with professionals is a must before the teeth become too loose to fix. 

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FitDog Friday
Last week I got my replacement winning’s from PetsMove Senior month. Nellie was the mover of the month. She received a k9 fit vest by DogTread. Nellie would like to thank PetsMove for the gift and DogTread for donating it.
Does this vest make my belly look fat?

Does this vest make my belly look fat?

This vest makes my ears go funny.

This vest makes my ears go funny.

So so pretty!

So so pretty!

Glory trying the vest out.

Glory trying the vest out.

Gman trying out the vest too.

Gman trying out the vest too.

Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Follow-Up/FitDog Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
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Thanks again to Ruckus The Eskie for their very first Sepia Saturday hop. We enjoyed this day and will join in again in the future.
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I must clean my kill.

I must clean my kill.

Jodi says:

So do you really let them eat the pheasants? Wouldn’t that be counter-productive? I mean I could so see Delilah trying to swallow the bird before she brought it back. LOL

I only let them eat the pheasant carcass when I’m not paying attention to them and they run off to who knows where and find the carcass pile. Yes it would be counter-productive and we don’t let them eat them on purpose. If I turn my back on Gambler and don’t take the bird from him right away after a retrieve he will rip it to shreds and that is a no no. I will give them scraps from animals or bones but won’t let them eat a whole fresh killed bird on their own. It creates bad habits at hunt tests. 😦

Thank you WordPress for keeping track of my stats.
Again Happy New Year to all our Blogging friends.
Finished shirt

Finished shirt

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FitDog Friday
Remember to join in on mutt-a-thon_final. Sand Spring gang will be joining in on the fun. Thank you PetsMove for putting on this virtual event!
As for fun this past week this is what the gang did for their exercise. We went along with John to help him check his traps in the marsh. I walked and the dogs ran from muskrat house to muskrat house in the snow helping John check for critters.
And were off, checking traps is fun and interesting.

And were off, checking traps is fun and interesting.

We climb on top of the houses to gain strength in our front shoulders.

We climb on top of the houses to gain strength in our front shoulders.

We steady ourselves on the houses looking down in the hole.

We steady ourselves on the houses looking down in the hole.

Watcha doing in the hole?

Watcha doing in the hole?

We go up and down on the house until it is time to move on.

We go up and down on the house until it is time to move on.

We had all kinds of fun checking the houses and running across with wide open spaces through the snow.

Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Follow-Up/Fitdog Friday

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
Little humper at a young age

Little humper at a young age

Brooke was beautiful and of course Norman was precious! Is that a cat he is humping?

LOL Yes that is Bubba the cat! 

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More chewing.

More chewing.

Oh you guys are so right and I believe Norman told her to do it. She is a clown just like he was 🙂

Caught in the act!


Out the door to go potty and grab a log.

I got this big log, time to take it to my pile.

I got this big log, time to take it to my pile.

Here I go to my pile.

Here I go to my pile.

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I hope all the furry ones got all they wanted for Christmas.
Snow flurries after Christmas Easy style.

Snow flurries after Christmas Easy style.

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FitDog Friday
Remember to mark your calendars for PetsMove first Move your Mutt-A-Thon on Jan 1-4 2014. You can learn about it here. This is a  Virtual Human-Canine Exercise and Health Expo which encourages us to get out and move with our mutts to keep them fit and healthy. My gang and I are signed up you should be too. We also submitted our New Years Resolutions for 2014. Want to see them???
Ok here you go………
The Gang

The Gang

Ok now on to fitness, since it has been really cold here in WI and we have gotten about 8 inches of snow we haven’t gone pheasant hunting which will end at the end of the month so we need to find other ways to stay fit. Mostly we play fetch and the gang chases each other around the yard.

We wrestle to stay fit.

We wrestle to stay fit.

We play grabass.

We play grabass.

We run at full speed through the deep snow.

We run at full speed through the deep snow.

We climb up and over snow banks.

We climb up and over snow banks.

We play king of the mountain and charge the others.

We play king of the mountain and charge the others.

We play fetch.

We play fetch.

We dig out toys out of the snow and shake them.

We dig out toys out of the snow and shake them.

Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Follow-Up/FitDog Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


Nothing But Norman #22

Norman's stuff.

Norman’s stuff.

I am so glad I did this, I just sit and stare at it while watching TV and it makes me smile. 

Black And White Sunday


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Golden Congrats on the 500 post. Where’s the kitty?

Here she is….being naughty and chewing on the cord….


Monday Mischief~Holiday Decorations

I wonder what this is?

I wonder what this is?

Happy to announce that Gman is behaving and hasn’t touched any decorations since. (not holding breath)

Glory’s Lone Pheasant Hunt

This little buggar is fast.

This little buggar is fast.

easyweimaraner says:

I would like to hunt with you together :o) What will you do with the pheasants? Is there a trick to prepare them? We’ve got one once from a hunter and it was not eatable (maybe this one was a prehistoric bird).

Easy, your bird might of been a old one, we get tough ones also and I hate the legs as they are all tendons and tough from all their running when they aren’t flying. I recently started making them many different ways as we have so many of them I needed to do different things with them. I have put them in Alfredo sauce, made chili (thanks Flea) the other night with them, made a pheasant casserole, pheasant pot pie but mostly just bread them and fry or bake them like you would a chicken. 

Wordless Wednesday~Raindeer Gman


OMD…I hope you got LOTS of treats for this! Like…two whole bags worth!

I was too busy taking pictures I forgot to give them treats during the photo shoot but I did give them all a Jones Natural Chews bone when I left for work this am. Does that count?

Meet The Bloggers~I’m JoAnn

One of my best adventures was Alligator hunting and yes I kiss gators too.

One of my best adventures was Alligator hunting and yes I kiss gators too.

Hawk aka BrownDog says:

Hi Y’all!

Where’d you hunt your gators?

A few years ago my friend who happens to be a veterinary sales rep came into the clinic one day and told me she won a trip to Disney a all paid trip for 4 so she asked me if I wanted to come with and we would skip Disney and we would go gator hunting. I jumped at the chance for sure. A all paid trip all I had to pay for was my gator hunt. It was a hunt of a lifetime and hopefully soon I will write a blog on it (can I do that since it doesn’t have anything to do with my chessies)? Here is another picture.

The gator stol

The gator stol

Our house is filled with stuff we have harvested over the years.

Our house is filled with stuff we have harvested over the years.

Nailah Bone says:

Wow, that bird in the 2nd picture is HUGE! What is it?
This is a white fronted goose or also called a specklebelly goose. I got this goose when I was hunting in Canada with Norman, I got it mounted and it is really special to me since it was done with Norman and it was finally a bird that I got stuffed before John did. 

Greater White-fronted Goose

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) is a species of goose. The Greater White-fronted Goose is more closely related to the smallerLesser White-fronted Goose (A. erythropus). In Europe it has been known as simply “White-fronted Goose“; in North America it is known as theGreater White-fronted Goose (or “Greater Whitefront”), and this name is also increasingly adopted internationally.[1] It is named for the patch of white feathers bordering the base of its bill. But even more distinctive are the salt-and-pepper markings on the breast of adult birds, which is why the goose is colloquially called the “Specklebelly” in North America.[2]

Okay… I have questions. Is “Marsh kitty” her name because you found her in a marsh?? Yes you are correct but I didn’t name her, my friend from work named her and it just stuck. I just call her cat when at home.  Also… feed the animals including pheasants… You guys have pheasants? We do have pheasants, I got 200 pheasants this spring from the DNR (Department Of Natural Resources) they are very hard to raise so I ended up loosing around 100 but the ones I have left are training birds for the dogs. 

This ‘N That Thursday

Whatcha got on your head Giblet?

Whatcha got on your head Giblet?

So I am a bad mom and can’t even tell my dogs apart….baaaahaaaaaa! Glory is wondering what is on momma Nellie’s head not Giblets. Stay tuned for more xmas pictures to come and you might even get to see some non blooper ones. 

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FitDog Friday

Sunday Glory got to go on her very own pheasant hunt which she did great at and had so much fun getting all 6 birds herself. Can you tell how excited she was?


She really stretched her muscles on this retrieve.

She really stretched her muscles on this retrieve.

Fast as fast can be you can't get away from me.

Fast as fast can be you can’t get away from me.

After her pheasant hunt she then went with Gambler and Nellie to public land to hunt pheasants for another hour. She got her fit workout this day.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Follow-Up/Fitdog Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.

Thanks for a wonderful post. Some tears were running here, but that’s ok, I think :o) He really was named by Norm Peterson? How funny :o) btw: Norman Petersons real first name was Hillary, right?

You are so right, I had to look it up because I never watched Cheers so I had no idea what his real name was on the show. This was all John’s doing when he named him. 

From Wikipedia: Hillary Norman “Norm” Peterson is a character on the American television show Cheers, portrayed by George Wendt. Norm’s real first name is Hillary, named after his grandfather.[2

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I must play with these!

I must play with these!

hahahaha I remember know this moments. Even to install a simply fly screen can turn in a big adventure when you have fourlegged helpers. Have you finished the chairs?

John did finish the chairs. He did a good job and so did the helpers. Here are the finished product.


LOL! I had no idea what an “island” chair was! My brain was thinking along the lines of Jimmy Buffet! Talk about mischief! Silly brain!

LOL my silly brain couldn’t think of what the heck to call them. Glad you figured it out!

Gambler and Glory's certificates.

Gambler and Glory’s certificates.

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Fitdog Friday
The gang got out for a little bit of a hunt on Saturday, it was darn cold so we didn’t spend much time out there. Sunday was cold but not as bad and when we went it started to snow so the dogs were frisky and excited to get out and hunt/exercise.
Are you coming? It's time to go!

Are you coming? It’s time to go!

Nellie is super excited to get out and hunt/exercise.

Nellie is super excited to get out and hunt/exercise.

Look at Gambler in the back right moving and grooving. They just love to be out and about.

Stop on over to my See Beautiful blog hop post and see the beauty in my Pet Bloggers Gift Exchange buddy Peggy from Peggy’s Pet Place who is co hostess on this fine Fitdog Friday Hop.

Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Follow-Up/FitDog Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
Hop on over to Heart Like A Dog as she is one of the Co-Hostess for this years Win dog-centric gifts from Dog Lover Gift Baskets in the Advent Calendar for Dog Lovers Giveaway Event. Today will be Day 6 of course. They are having all kinds of really cool give-aways so get on over there and see what will be next.
Jodi says:
Beautiful JoAnn, just beautiful. I wish I’d have had Sampson’s semen saved. I would love an off-spring of his.
A little Sampson would be so cute! I might just have to do a blog post now on saving semen! 


Gman said he is going to work hard on gaining your trust again so when stuff happens you don’t automatically think it is him. LOL

I did manage to glue the basin back together and I even after a year glued the handle back on the brown pitcher gman broke. 

All Fixed.

All Fixed.

Running and wading in the water.

Running and wading in the water.

Oz the Terrier says:

Hunting is great exercise! And oh, how I love all the safety orange gear!

For the past two weeks the dogs have been wearing some type of orange as it is gun/muzzle loader deer hunting season so we put orange on them so hopefully they don’t get shot at. Gman gets to wear the vest as his chest doesn’t have much hair on it so this protects his chest. 

Very cool. I like how they came out and really like the magnets!
I really like the magnets too, I like bumper stickers but like the magnet idea for bumper stickers so they aren’t stuck to your vehicle. 
A video of Glory enjoying her Birthday treat.
Thank you for all the great Birthday wishes for my girl. She is getting to be all grown up but she still has a playful puppy attitude. 

MK’s tree is cool….is that homemade?

I have the best friend ever, she didn’t make me one cat tree she made me TWO! I have a horizontal one in the loft area for her also. 

This year I signed up for The Pet Bloggers Gift Exchange hosted bySomething Wagging This Way Comes and her co-hostess Pup Fan from I still want more puppies,  I was paired with Peggy Frezon from Peggy’s Pet Place. If you haven’t met her hop on over and say Hi and stay tuned for my post about her.

Pet-Bloggers-Gift-Exchange-graphic Collecting my data for my upcoming post!

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Moving on to FitDog Friday


I have some exciting news for FitDog Friday. First off over at PetsMove_logo

Nellie won first place at the November Senior’s Move month. You can read about all the winners here. We were happy to hear we won with Nellie moving 182 paws. All her moving has paid off as I finally weighed her and she is down 5 more pounds. I do believe this summer she was 78# and now she weighs 68#. The pounds might be a bit off as I weighed her on my bathroom scale so until I take her to work with me we will go with that number. She does look thinner as she now as a bit of a waist line. She still needs to loose a couple more pounds.

First Prize – to Nellie is the winner of our cool tech prize, Heyrex. HeyRex is a New Zealand based company that has developed (and released) a wearable device to monitor your dog’s activity, sleep, and scratching. We wrote about it over on SlimDoggy if you want to learn more. We are very excited to have won this gadget and can’t wait to try it out.

All this huffing and puffing has shed me some pounds.

All this huffing and puffing has shed me some pounds.

Thank you PetsMove for motivating us to get out and move!

Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hostsPeggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Follow-Up/FitDog Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.

That bracelet is awesome! What a cool present to remind you of Norman.

Jan K says:
 What a lovely, thoughtful gift from Lydia….so many wonderful ways to remember Norman

It was so kind of Lydia to send you that bracelet…what a thoughtful surprise.

Yes indeed was it a thoughtful surprise, I look at it and instantly think of Norman and smile. 🙂


That would make a pretty background for a Christmas card!

You are right Jan, it would make a pretty background for a Christmas card. I have no idea what kind of bush/tree this was but it sure stood out with all the red berries on it. 
Glory's very own wood pile.

Glory’s very own wood pile.

Glory is still moving the wood pile. That pile that she is sitting by I moved up onto the deck and now every time she goes outside she grabs one. The lawn if full again and yes the bigger the better!



Pet ID: ADOPTION FEE: $200 • Spayed/Neutered • Shots Current

Marion, IN 46952

Contact this Organization


LOL! What silly head-gear! I’ve never seen those before!

Are those reindeer antlers on your heads?

Those would be little turkey drumsticks on their heads that I got at Bartz’s party store. LOL

They’d probably rather be hunting turkeys than modeling headgear! Yes, I know dogs don’t hunt turkey (do they?)

Just a couple years ago the DNR passed a law that we can hunt turkeys with our dogs. We have taken them a couple of times but never got one but when we do get one we throw it for them and they do go get it and bring it back.
Turkey day photo shoot outtakes.
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Blind puppies.
This is what I think of these feathers!

This is what I think of these feathers!

She won't be able to dress up again if we wreck the feathers!

She won’t be able to dress up again if we wreck the feathers!

What ya got on your head Nellie? You look retarted!

What ya got on your head Nellie? You look retarted!

I think I might be losing my hat!

I think I might be losing my hat!



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FitDog Friday

Today’s Slimdoggy FitDog Friday post is about Hill Training to help build hind leg muscles. Here is what SlimDoggy has to day for today: Last week, we discussed the importance of working your dog’s hind legs to keep their strength proportionate to their front legs and prevent atrophy as they age and introduced the Slimdoggy Squat exercise.  Another great exercise that you can do with your dog to build their hind leg strength is called hill repeats.
It just so happens that while we were hunting/exercising with Glory and Nellie yesterday we were doing Hill Training and didn’t even know it was going to be featured on today’s post. So here is Nellie doing Hill Training.
photo 1
They were also working on squats as they had to squat under fallen trees.
photo 3
They also took a moment to strengthen their neck muscles and stabilize their back legs when they stuck their head in a big hole.
photo 2
This week we went hunting on Sunday for a couple of hours, then Wednesday we were invited on pheasant farm hunt so Gambler and Glory got to do some hunting to keep up with their FitDog exercise.
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Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hostsPeggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Follow-Up/FitDog Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
Today’s co-hostess is Donna from Donna and the Dogs. Hop on over and see what Donna and her three dogs are up to.
The paracord keychain I made in memory of Norman.

The paracord keychain I made in memory of Norman.

amywern says:

“Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.”

Thank you so much Amy and everyone else who leaves such inspiring messages on my Norman posts. Your inside on death and grieving is so uplifting and I cherish all the messages. 

Donna and the Dogs says:

And I think having the necklace engraved was a wonderful idea. It’s nice that you have found all these ways to honor and remember him.

I have another way I am remembering Norman so check back tomorrow for Nothing But Norman.

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Oh, there is something good there in the brush – can even see those tails a-waggin’.

Must of been a really good smell, they didn’t flush anything out so my guess is rabbit or deer turds. Yes their tails are wagging all the time. They just love to hunt!

They probably have tons of toys they could play with too, and they end up choosing that to chew on!

Yes your so right, they have all kinds of toys. I guess I shouldn’t complain they don’t eat the tootsie rolls so this might be better?

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Oh My. God! I can’t believe you put a picture of your dog with a turd coming out up on the blog. I laughed so damn hard. Thanks for the chuckle!

LOL, yes yes I put a picture of a pooping dog up. I love poop and love taking pictures of pooping dogs. Why not share the joy, hey? Got people’s attention and hopefully they will scoop their poop.


Sara is beautiful. I wonder if she has PRA? I hope she finds a wonderful home, but at $200 for a senior dog with vision issues, I fear she may linger on foster care for the rest of her days

I agree to Linda, the adoption is kinda high for a senior dog but I do understand their reasoning’s, they need all the money and resources they can get to keep adopting out pets, maybe they will lower in if no bites and she can find a good home.

Nellie it's ok Pruven to the rescue, you don't need to be sad anymore.

Nellie it’s ok Pruven to the rescue, you don’t need to be sad anymore.

Sue at Talking Dogs says:

I have to say, I am really impressed! That stuff would be mighty handy!

I always would swear by a product called Equalizer sold at vet clinics as I would always have a bottle of that on hand and it would clean up anything. But I have to say this Pruven is giving it a run for it’s money. So far it has cleaned up everything I needed it to.


it needs no words it says so much. and it’s just wonderful

You are so right easy. No words needed. I just love the American Flag and Glory was named after it along with after Lady Gaga’s song Edge Of Glory. This was taken on my last photo shoot with Norman. I saw the flag and wondered if I would be able to get a picture of Glory with it being it was so high up in the air. I think I did a fine job getting a photo of both Glory’s. 

Nellie got a bird.

Nellie got a bird.

Happy 3rd 29th birthday!!! I saw that you went pheasant hunting on the face-place. Glad you got your allotment. Will you eat the pheasant? I don’t think we have ever had that here.
Yes Oz we eat the pheasant. Of course it tastes like chicken :D. It is a white meat. The breast are delish, I make it simular to chicken. It a recipe calls for chicken I have been substituting pheasant since we have been getting so many of them. I recently made pheasant enchiladas and they were fantastic. I don’t care for the legs as they are full of tendons and tough and you need to watch out for little steel pellets from the shot to get the bird. 

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FitDog Friday
Run Run Run

Run Run Run

More Run Run Run

More Run Run Run

The pooches had a long day on Wednesday for their hunting day. We went hunting with a puppy from one of Nellie’s previous litters. Riley is 4 yrs old and had a lot of energy when it comes to hunting. When we first let the dogs out of the truck they had to run as fast as they could and play grab ass. That is what we call chasing after each other and trying to grab them. They did this for awhile until they figured out they should be sticking their noses to the ground and picking up scents instead of grabbing each others asses. We had a 6 hr hunt and got our 4 birds. It was a day of running, walking, stopping to take a break (but not for long) and off hopping threw the bogs in the marsh, running threw the water and more running, walking, running. They really got their work out this day. They were poop’ed by the end of the day and curled up on the couch to take a snooze. Senior gal Nellie kept right up with them.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hostsPeggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Follow-Up/FitDog Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
Today’s co-hostess is  Flea from Jones Natural Chews. Hop on over and see what kind of hats she is putting on her birds.
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Thank you all very much for all the sincere sympathies you left me. Thank you for the private messages, the emails and for all the cyber hugs. You all are amazing friends and you really helped me out during this very difficult time. I had a hard time writing this post and my biggest fear was that it was inappropriate. I didn’t know how everyone would react to my story, you reacted with an overabundance of love that I will cherish forever. I have a piece of Norman in my locket held close to my heart where he will always remain.  
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Is that the final rose?

Ruckus, it is. This was the rose that Cheryl at the crematorium gave me to leave with Norman. I had plans to take a cattail with me but my head was all messed up and I didn’t grab one before I left. He got to travel to his new life with a beautiful rose. This is probably one of my most favorite final pictures of Norman. 


I’m sure Norman was watching and swelled up with pride and love! Those pictures are fabulous! Love how much he loves his momma!

He loves me too much, when the other gal was handing him he was very obedient, I take him in the group ring and he goes nuts and wants to “hump” me. Bad boy! 🙂

Thank you all for your congratulation, I never thought I would finish him so fast. Now they tell me I could go on to get his Dual Grand Champion but I think I will retire him from the show ring and just concentrate on his hunting titles. 

Normally the pet beds in front of the patio window are Nellie’s favorite place to lay. MK has now taken over the spot and Nellie doesn’t seem to mind. 
Beautiful Glory.

Beautiful Glory.

weliveinaflat says:

In the middle of the post, the hunting pictures have pretty extreme light and shadow, is it because of the time you took them?

Yes I do believe it was the time of day I took them that made them turn out like this. Usually I get nice clean crisp photos and this day I went out in the afternoon to do some hunting in the freezing cold and this is what I got. 

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FitDog Friday
I was in denial and thought the last time I weighed Nellie she weighed 73#. Well she did weigh 73# but then she gained a whole bunch more. After hunting season started I weighed Nellie by picking her up and holding her while I got on the scale, then weighing myself it came up with 77#. I was horrified that she was that heavy. We then continued to hunt. Last week I weighed Nellie again and she weighed 75#. I was very happy then as our workouts were working and she was loosing weight. We have a long way to go but we will get there. My goal for Nellie is 65# but I will settle for 68-70#.
Here are some pictures of our latest hunt.
Can you tell I lost 2#?

Can you tell I lost 2#?

Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hostsPeggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Follow-Up Friday/FitDog

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
Today’s co-hostess is a newbie so lets all stop on over and say Hi to  Emma from My GBGV Life!
My two loves.

My two loves.

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Thank you Hawk for the shout out on Norman’s 13th Birthday. I had so many wonderful friends stop by and wish him the big 13! This was a very special milestone for Norman, we had a wonderful day packed full of hugs, kisses and many treats.

Don't worry Gman, I took care of it, it won't get you.

Don’t worry Gman, I took care of it, it won’t get you.

amywern says:

Ok, you need to put a disclaimer up when you are posting about the slithery evil ones. You sure gave me my dose of the willies for the week. Ugh. Do you have to worry about any poisonous snakes out there?

Sorry for the willies Amy, you enter my blog at your own risk! LOL We do not have to worry about poisonous snakes here in WI. I think we might have a rattler somewhere’s in the state but not by me. Nellie hates snakes!

Walk Your Dog Blog Hop

Wow – well done! I know how easy it is for weight to just kind of creep up on you…and on your dogs. Keeping to a regular exercise routine is critical and walking is one of the best! Keep up the good work!
Thank you SlimDoggy, with the help of your app and PetsMove along with the other bloggers are my motivation to keep this up. It took over 10 years to pack on those pounds so the next 10 years I’m going to focus on keeping it off. 
Thank you all for your great comment on my weight loss, I am quite proud of it. Once you make up your mind you are going to do something it is easier to stick with it.
Kennel Operations Manager
Coulee Region Humane Society, Inc.
911 Critter Court
Onalaska, WI 54650
Phone: 608-781-4014
Thanks to Pooch Smooches and Peggy’s Pet Place for their new blog hop Give Cancer The Paw. The day that introduced this hop was the day I laid Norman to rest. He lost his battle with osteosarcoma. It was a great battle and he gave cancer the paw for 5 months! We will continue to give cancer the paw in his memory. 
This picture was taken on our very first trip to Saskatchewan. It was Norman by my side and Nellie by John’s side. The birds were plentiful and the friendships that were made will never be forgotten.
I thank you all for stopping by and for all your lovely thoughts and prayers. Every word means the world to me and helps me in the healing process. You all have made a difference in the little things you have done and said. I may not have had a chance to respond to each and every one of you but know you have made a difference and one day I will respond and hope that I can be the friend to you all that you have been to me. Peace to all!
Norman will not be forgotten and his memory and pictures will live on in his Nothing But Saturday blog post each week. You not done seeing or hearing about him. He may be gone but he has left me a lifetime of memories!

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The Sand Spring gang continues to add paws to their PetsMove diary. We continue to go pheasant hunting on my days off and on the weekends. Last week Gambler was the man and got rewarded for his work by getting a pheasant. The girls are wondering when it is their turn. Hunting is really keeping Gambler and Glory fit and hopefully helping Nellie loose some pounds. 
Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hostsPeggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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