Nothing But Norman #7

Happy Saturday everyone!


Norman continued to do excellent this week. We took another trip to the lake since the summer in coming to a close. He had a ton of fun swimming and going after his bumper. He got to go to the lake with his new friend Marsh Kitty. It was a great adventure. This weekend hunting starts in WI. Sept 1st early goose season is upon us. Norman loves to hunt geese. We are going to make some special memories this weekend by taking Norman hunting again. He may not be the quickest, have the most endurance, may only get to do one or two retrieves but seeing the joy on his face while he is out doing what he was bred for and loving the moment will be enough for me. These memories will be the ones I hold dear in my heart when he is gone. Let’s hope I can get a goose for my special buddy.

Here is a picture from a couple years ago early goose hunting.




Norman with his granddaughter Riley.




This day I hunted with Justin from ALL Seasons Adventures a guide service in South Central WI. He is a friend of ours and has one of Nellie’s puppies Riley. As you can see we had a fabulous day. It was surely a memory keeper being able to hunt with Norman and his granddaughter.


Ok more like mom would like you to vote. You can follow the link below, scroll way down to the bottom and click on Norman: Sand Spring Chesapeakes. You can vote once a day until next Sunday. The 12 pictures with the most votes get to be in the 2014 calendar. Then you can order a calender when they come out and the proceeds will go to help Benny The Frenchie.

Vote here


Pet Bloggers Blog Hop

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Welcome to the new and improved Pet Bloggers Blog Hop the Original and longest running pet blog hop going strong since April 2010! This is is a weekly event to help you connect with other Pet Bloggers. Whether you are a seasoned blogger, one who loves reading pet blogs, or if you’re just thinking about starting your own blog – there is definitely something here for you. Acquaint yourself and enjoy – this is your resource, so use it as you see fit!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
You only need to add your link once to be seen on all the Pet Blogger Blog Hop Linky Tools for that week. If your blog is not pet related your link will be removed. Also note that only one post per blog is acceptable, and links promoting giveaways that are unrelated to the pet blogger hop will be removed. This is a weekly community building event and not a promotional vehicle.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Grab the NEW “Pet Bloggers Blog Hop” button and include it in your Saturday Blog hop post so that your readers will know what is going on.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Follow your co-hosts Of the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop listed in the first 3 slots of the Linky Tool.
Follow as many other blogs on the Linky as you’d like.
Following could mean via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, their daily newsletter, or any other place they happen to be interacting on the web.
Take a moment to comment on the other blogs that are linking for the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop telling them you’re visiting from the blog hop.
Make friends learn new things watch awesome animal videos and grow your blog.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Have a great weekend.

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Follow-up Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.

Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


Co-Hostessing this week is the funny Flea from Jones Natural Chews. Hop on over and see who she is dishing treats out to.

Black And White Sunday

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Miss Nellie

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Miss Glory

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Mr. Norman



Mr. Gambler

Monday Norman Mischief


G & G Accomplishments



Tuesday’s Tails



Wordless Wednesday~A Stick


Norman loves sticks and roots. He will pull and tug on roots in the water just so he can break off a piece for you to throw for him.


Norman says “give me that stick, I love sticks”!


Nom, Nom, Nom I love sticks!


Thanks again blog friends for all the great stuff you gave a-way or had for a contest.

Here are the out take photos.


Hmmm, who left this bag of yummy Zuke’s treats sitting here?


I don’t think anyone is watching, so I will just help myself.


Making my get away.


Thanks for the Zuke’s Sugar!

This ‘N That Thursday


Here was my favorite picture from our lake visit on Wednesday that I didn’t post up yesterday. Isn’t she a beauty?



Ok more like mom would like you to vote. You can follow the link below, scroll way down to the bottom and click on Norman: Sand Spring Chesapeakes. You can vote once a day until next Sunday. The 12 pictures with the most votes get to be in the 2014 calendar. Then you can order a calender when they come out and the proceeds will go to help Benny The Frenchie.

Vote here

Have a great and safe weekend.

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This ‘N That Thursday


Today we are joining 2 Brown Dawgs for their This ‘N That Thursday’s blog hop!

This is what she has to say about the hop,

A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…

“This ‘N That Thursday is for anything you want!  Maybe you want to post about unrelated topics, or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post, or you have awards to share, or you have one long post…anything goes!  So grab the button and join the hop!”

The last hunt test of the season turned out to be a fantastic one. Gambler was entered in Senior and Glory was entered in Junior. They both needed one more pass to receive their titles. We were hoping for a good day.

Gambler was up first on land. It was a typical land senior with a walk up, double and a blind. I was hiding again so he couldn’t see me. Here are a couple of pictures I took.





Hi Mom! You think your hiding but I see you!


He passed his land test so he got to move onto water.

2013-08-24 13.08.47

Hi Mom, I smell you way over there!

2013-08-24 12.33.42 (1)

Water was another double with a water blind and the honor. John and Gambler went up to the line, asked honor dog if he was ready. Honor dog was ready so he signaled for the marks to start. After the second mark went down the honor dog broke just as John released Gambler. The honor dog owner screamed “NO HERE” and both dogs turned around and came back. The judges called a no bird for Gambler and he got to go back in line after 3 dogs and come up later and re run the test. As John was walking back to wait someone stopped him to ask him what happened as John was talking Gambler thought it would be a nice time to take a pee…….right on someone’s bag. He was causing mischief and it wasn’t even Monday. So here is a warning message do not leave your stuff unattended if Gambler is in the area!

2013-08-24 13.07.09

Bag left unattended.

After the debacle John and Gambler went up again to try it again. Gambler over ran the memory bird so he needed to be handled as he was running amuck and got near the blind area. He took his casts great. Then came the blind. Another point blind where the point was sticking out and Gambler had to pass by it to get to the blind. This time Gambler took every cast and stayed off the point and let John guide him to the blind. His honor was great up until the end when he got past the judges and John tried to put the leash on him and he took off running to the gallery to find me. I jumped up and ran to meet him and he gave me many kisses. What a happy moment to finally have his AKC Senior Title.


Glory’s land series was first also. This one was a little different than any land series we ever had. It was 2 single marks then you turned around and got into a boat and got a mark into the water. This was counted as one of the water marks. The area they had to run the test wasn’t very big so this was the only way they thought to do the test so they could get it all in and have 2 different water marks. The first bird down on land Glory took off and then put the breaks on and dove into the cover to the right of her. She hunted and hunted then came out looked at me and jumped back into the cover. She came out again then beelined it to the mark, picked it up and came back to me while still eyeing up the spot in the cover that had her attention. The second mark was no problem as well as jumping out of the boat to get the duck on water. She passed her land series and got to come back and run one more land mark (which they didn’t judge) and one water mark. She did both excellent so she passed and got her AKC Junior Hunter Title. We were so happy and proud!






And a little that:

2013-08-25 15.37.35 (1)

MK went to the lake today to hang with the dogs.

MK went to the lake today to hang with the dogs.

At the lake, see the water?

At the lake, see the water?

Just hanging out.

Just hanging out.

MK thought it was hot this weekend before we turned the AC on. I’m not sure why a couple pics are cut off. MK would like to report that her probation is lifted a bit at night time. She is no longer locked in our bedroom she has free roam of the house at night. No pee spots found. She is still in jail during the day when I am gone.

Thanks to 2browndawgs the host of This ‘N That Thursday for being the 1000 person to like one of my blog posts!


Ok more like mom would like you to vote. You can follow the link below, scroll way down to the bottom and click on Norman: Sand Spring Chesapeakes. You can vote once a day until next Sunday. The 12 pictures with the most votes get to be in the 2014 calendar. Then you can order a calender when they come out and the proceeds will go to help Benny The Frenchie.

Vote here

So that wraps it up for today, why don’t you hop on over to 2 Brown Dawgs see what their up to and grab the badge and join the hopping fun!

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I hit the JACKPOT!

I hit the Jackpot in Blogville give a-ways and contest’s! The past month has been very good to me and I need to say a big THANK YOU to the bloggers whom I won prizes with.

First: I couldn’t believe it when I found out I won my first Blog give a-way it was a candle give a-way by Dakota’s Den. Caren was giving a-way a candle from Terri’s Candles.

How excited I was when I found out I won. I love candles and always have them burning. Because of the really warm weather in MI and WI Terri waited to ship out my candle until the days were cooler, she didn’t want the candles to melt. She was super nice and added a few candles and melt’s for me to try for waiting so long to get the candle. Thank you, Thank you your gift package was more than I expected!


Taken from Terri’s website:

Why Soy?……Buying & burning candles isn’t the most eco-egregious thing you can do out there.  They’re relaxing, they smell good & they make for interesting home decor.  But yes, those rumors you’ve heard about soy wax are indeed correct.  They are better than the standard wax varieties. Other candle wax is made from the petroleum byproduct -parrafin.  Burning a parafin candle is like inviting a diesel truck into your home to let off some exhaust…the soot from both the diesel and the paraffin, contains a noxious mix of carcinogenic petro-carbon nastiness that can mess with your health & emit toxic chemicals like benzene & toluene.  And as you know, petroleum isn’t exactly renewable.  Soy is!  And if you or someone in your family suffers from either allergies or asthma, burning a parrafin candle can contribute to the onset of allergy attacks and headaches.


The scents were very refreshing and the candle burned really evenly.

Second: Gizmo did a review on a couple of products by Fetch Earth, The Undoos & the FE Natural Pet Soap. After the review Gizmo had a give a-way which I won! I got my sample and realized the company was from right here in Green Bay, WI. How nice to support a local company.


Gambler eats grass so sometimes the grass gets stuck coming out and he needs help with it so I think this idea of a towel attached to the poop bag is a excellent idea, I would just grab the grass then grab the rest of the poop and turn it inside out. The bad and towel is biodegradable. How sweet is that?


Didn’t want to do the actual demonstration so you get a picture you can actually look at.


Really mom I have to have this bag hanging off my tail. Shut up Nellie I see you laughing in the background!

I haven’t tried out the products yet but am excited to do so.

Third: I entered a contest held by The Tasty Tuesday host’s Kol’s Notes and Sugar The Golden Retriever. It was their 2nd Annual Tasty Tuesday Anniversary. They hosted a contest “what would you do for Zuke’s treats”? Along with what would you do for Zuke’s treats they had a Iron Doggie Chef contest where you had to make a treat using fruit. You can see what I did HERE and that is how I won. I had a lot of fun doing this post/contest.

The Zukes came in the mail pronto, the dogs loved them! I went through a whole bag trying to get pictures of them eating them. They were mauling me for the tasty treats.


MK was wondering why she didn’t get any?





Forth: I entered another contest making a blog post. This one was hosted by Sugar The Golden Retriever, Gizmo Terrier Torrent and Garth Riley. It was Scoop That Poop blog hop contest. You had to make a blog post about poop. How fun is that? HERE is my blog post and I just so happened to win. I won The Fifth Paw! I am super excited to try out this little trinket that will attach to my leash and will hold my filled poop bags from cleaning up after my dogs on a walk. Hence Scoop That Poop!


Fifth: Sue over at Talking Dogs at For Love Of A Dog blog did a book review on Crazy Bitch, Living with canine compulsive disorder by Peggy Tibbetts. After the review she had a give a-way and I won! I got my book in the mail so I am excited to start reading it.


Finally, no I didn’t win anything else! I wanted to say THANK YOU again to my blog friends who hosted give a-ways and contests so I could win some really cool stuff. You all rock and I can’t thank you enough for being so kind. I think I should go buy my power ball ticket now!

Wordless Wednesday~A Stick



Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.


Ok more like mom would like you to vote. You can follow the link below, scroll way down to the bottom and click on Norman: Sand Spring Chesapeakes. You can vote once a day until next Sunday. The 12 pictures with the most votes get to be in the 2014 calendar. Then you can order a calender when they come out and the proceeds will go to help Benny The Frenchie.

Vote here

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G&G Accomplishments For The Year So Far

Miss Glory’s Accomplishments


This has been quite a year for Miss Glory and I. I should say our year started last August 2012 when I finished Glory to her UKC conformation title adding UCH to the beginning of her name. In January Glory and I did something we have never done before. We entered a AKC conformation event, we or more so I had a blast. Glory took Winners Bitch and Best Of Opposite. She continued to do well in March where she took Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite 2 days in a row. We attended a 3 day show in May where Glory took Reserve Winners with 4 other dogs in the ring. This was a big deal to me as this was only the seventh time in a AKC ring. She also took third on the last day. Not to bad for a couple of newbies.  She has a total of 3 points out of the 15 she needs for her conformation title. Then in 2013 we were invited to the UKC Premier where she had a special invite to participate in the Top Ten as she was the #6 Chesapeake in t he Top Ten Breed And Dog Standings for 2012. Glory recieved the Award Of Excellence for the Top Ten Show. She went on to receive 2 reserve champion ribbons. She learned how to Dock Jump, starting out at 6.8 feet and ending with her best jump at 12.2 feet. This summer we worked on her UKC SHR Started title, she received 3 out of 4 passes. We ran out of HRC events so we are unable to finish her title this year. She continued to do well with passing 3 more AKC Junior Hunter tests recieving her JH title on August 25th at Manitowoc Kennel Club adding JH to the end of her name. John handled her to her first JH pass and I handled her to her last 3 passes along with the title pass. She has been trained by John and I. She is now getting ready to start the fall hunting season. Early goose is first, then a trip to Sasketchewan for some snow goose hunting then coming home to the WI waterfowl and upland season. Along with starting the hunting season she is entered in the upcoming AKC conformation shows, so her event’s for the year still arn’t finished. Glory you have been such a joy to train, you really have your own personality that makes me smile. I am so happy with your success and hope you have more success in the near future.

Her new name is:


(CH Port Side’s Great Xpectations MH    x     HRCH Sand Spring Hurricane Nellie SH)





Gambler’s Accomplishments


WOW, what a year so far we have had with “Gambler”. We have had a year of first’s. I should say our year started last August 2012 when I finished Gambler to his UKC conformation title adding UCH to the beginning of his name. Then in September I ran my first AKC Senior Hunter test ever and we ended up with a pass and his first leg out of four towards his title. Then in 2013 we were invited to the UKC Premier where he had a special invite to participate in the Top Ten as he was the #1 Chesapeake in the Top Ten Breed And Dog Standings for 2012. We went to the UKC Premier where he learned how to Lure Course where he passed two runs, one shy for his LC title. He learned how to Dock Jump where he started out jumping 3 feet then ended at 18.3 feet and received his United Senior Jumper title, adding USJ to the beginning of his name. He went 3 out of 5 BOB in the conformation ring where he received 3 legs out of 5 towards his Grand Champion title.  While at the Premier Gambler also participated in the Total Dog program. It is for dogs that have gotten a show champion and a performance title. As well as participating he qualified for Total dog proving that he is a versatile dog. The United Retriever Specialty also offered a Total Retriever where again he needed to have a show title and a performance title. He got a ribbon for his accomplishment in both venues. This  summer we worked on his UKC HRC Seasoned title, he received his HR title on August 4th at Muddy Waters Club adding HR to the beginning of his name. He continued to do well with passing 2 more AKC Senior Hunter tests receiving his SH title on August 25th at Manitowoc Kennel Club adding SH to the end of his name. I unfortuantly didn’t handle him to his UKC or AKC titles. John handled him while I continued to do all his hunt test training. He is now getting ready to start the fall hunting season. Early goose is first, then a trip to Sasketchewan for some snow goose hunting then coming home to the WI waterfowl and upland season. This should be a great year as he has really come along. Thanks Gambler for being who you are. To say I am very proud is a understatement.

His new name is:


(HRCH Sand Spring Norm Of Caroway MH   x     HRCH Hope Springs Dowry MH**)

Hips: Good

Elbows: Normal




Tuesday’s Tails

This is the Blog Hop that features shelter animals. Find a cat, dog, rabbit, etc. at your local animal shelter or rescue and feature them on this Blog Hop! Come join the fun and help a furry friend find a forever home! And while you’re at it, don’t forget to visit the other blogs and share their doggies, cats, rabbits, and all the other animals that need forever homes on your social media sites. Please spread the word!


Thanks to Dogs N Pawz for hosting this blog hop!



Chesapeake Bay Retriever/Terrier Mix: An adoptable dog in Belvidere, IL

I chose Charlie today because I think this guy deserves a chance at being adopted. It might be hard for him as he is missing a leg. Some may by pass him because of that. I wouldn’t, these special needs dogs need a home too and I bet he would make a great pet.

Charlie is a 2-3 year old all american survivor!  He may be Chessie, Shepherd and/or pittie, not sure what the breed mix is, but he is a very sweet guy.  He came in as a tripod, he walks well on a leash and nothing slows him down.  He does slide a little on hardwood floors, so carpeting or throw rugs help him around indoors, but in the grass, he has amazing balance and can run and jump with the best of them!   He will make an excellent family addition!  He loves belly rubs, and is good with children and nice dogs!


Spayed/Neutered • Up-to-date with routine shots • Special Needs • Primary color: Red, Chestnut or Orange • Coat length: Medium


Fresh Start Animal Rescue Inc, Belvidere, IL


Ok more like mom would like you to vote. You can follow the link below, scroll way down to the bottom and click on Norman: Sand Spring Chesapeakes. You can vote once a day until next Sunday. The 12 pictures with the most votes get to be in the 2014 calendar. Then you can order a calender when they come out and the proceeds will go to help Benny The Frenchie.

Vote here

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Monday Norman Mischief


Hmmmm……..What do we have here?


I think I see something!


I think I see something!


I think I smell something!


Maybe I can get it with my paw!


Just a little deeper!

…………………………………..Stop back Wednesday to find out what kind of mischief Norman got into!


Ok more like mom would like you to vote. You can follow the link below, scroll way down to the bottom and click on Norman: Sand Spring Chesapeakes. You can vote once a day until next Sunday. The 12 pictures with the most votes get to be in the 2014 calendar. Then you can order a calender when they come out and the proceeds will go to help Benny The Frenchie.

Vote here

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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Nothing But Norman #6

Happy Saturday everyone!




This past week Norman was feeling well again. I had off on Wednesday again so I loaded the gang up to go train and then after training (Norman and Nellie watched while the 2 youngsters trained) we stopped at Norman’s old stomping grounds where he used to go when he was young. We stopped at the Fox River Locks. Is part of the Fox River system. We would fish this river for walleye’s each spring during the walleye run. We would mostly fish in the boat but we would occasionally fish from shore. The dogs and I hung out on shore this day. They had a blast running, swimming and pulling on roots. I did manage to take a couple of pictures. Image(2) ok a hundred!



Pet Bloggers Blog Hop

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Welcome to the new and improved Pet Bloggers Blog Hop the Original and longest running pet blog hop going strong since April 2010! This is is a weekly event to help you connect with other Pet Bloggers. Whether you are a seasoned blogger, one who loves reading pet blogs, or if you’re just thinking about starting your own blog – there is definitely something here for you. Acquaint yourself and enjoy – this is your resource, so use it as you see fit!

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
You only need to add your link once to be seen on all the Pet Blogger Blog Hop Linky Tools for that week. If your blog is not pet related your link will be removed. Also note that only one post per blog is acceptable, and links promoting giveaways that are unrelated to the pet blogger hop will be removed. This is a weekly community building event and not a promotional vehicle.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Grab the NEW “Pet Bloggers Blog Hop” button and include it in your Saturday Blog hop post so that your readers will know what is going on.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Follow your co-hosts Of the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop listed in the first 3 slots of the Linky Tool.
Follow as many other blogs on the Linky as you’d like.
Following could mean via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, their daily newsletter, or any other place they happen to be interacting on the web.
Take a moment to comment on the other blogs that are linking for the Pet Bloggers Blog Hop telling them you’re visiting from the blog hop.
Make friends learn new things watch awesome animal videos and grow your blog.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


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