It’s A Ducky Monday~Monday Mischief

With a couple weeks of not knowing if Monday Mischief was going to be here or not I am so glad that it is here! Thanks to Jen at mybrownnewfies for keeping it going! Lord knows we always have mischief at our house to report on Monday to start the week out with a bang.

Today’s mischief involves little duckies. Each year I buy day old mallard ducks or I incubate them from eggs that are laid by the adult mallards I’ve kept through the winter. This year I didn’t keep any mallards through the winter so I had to buy day old ducks. Usually I buy them in March/April when it is warmer as I don’t want the little buggers to freeze if shipped in the mail. This year I wanted to buy them as early as I could so they could be big enough to start using them for training come June. So I placed my order for first hatch on February 23rd. I went and picked them up from Abendroth’s Hatchery just after they were hatched, brought them home and set them up in our shed. It just so happened this night it was going to get well below zero and not much warmer the next day so I had to keep the litter buggers warm.

101 little peepers.

Have to keep the peepers warm.

So how does JoAnn keep the peepers warm you ask?

Besides having three heat lamps they have their own space heater.

And a sheet to keep the heat in.

Can’t accuse me of not taking very good care of my little peepers, they have a warmer set up then I have, lol.

All the little peepers have made it two weeks now. They are such hardy little things. They are growing like weeks and making a mess of things. G & G are happy as they know when little peepers come training is just around the corner.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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Wordless Wednesday~Birthday Duck


Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.

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Wordless Wednesday~Gambler Duck Pose

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Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.


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Nothing But Norman #39

Happy Saturday Everyone!

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I have a big favor to ask my blog pals. You are going to get Norman picture over load today as I am going to post several edited pictures of Norman and I want you to tell me by number which one you would buy on a cafe press item. I was asked by Chesapeake Retriever Rescue of Wisconsin, CRROW if they could use some of my photos for their cafe press online store. I was delighted that they wanted to use my photos. I first sent them the originals of the photos that I thought would look good on merchandise. I then had my friend edit the photos to make them pop and she came up with so many beautiful options I can’t decide. So what I need from you is to tell me which edited photos you think would look good enough for you to buy a Chesapeake item.

1.  954552_10203650342562296_833324189_n

2. 1555851_10203647763537822_1016741988_n

3. 10154648_10203647839859730_1219070370_n

4. 10157080_10203647898141187_1133496425_n

5. 10168237_10203647774698101_299711658_n

6. 10168364_10203647772658050_1916643042_n

7. 10169152_10203647922981808_2036319502_n

8. 10178298_10203650344122335_1477162822_n

9. 10178350_10203647905181363_1309218513_n

10. 10248957_10203647768537947_657218976_n


11. 10259400_10203647837299666_348629143_n

12. 10259494_10203647794458595_250618680_n

13. 10259531_10203650336242138_974838874_n

Here are the originals I took and no editing.

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So tell me what you think.

Now onto Sepia Saturday with Ruckus The Eskie.



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Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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We’re also joining the Pet Parade today.

Thank’s to the co-host for hosting this great hop.

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