Scoop That Poop~Dog Events


Have you ever gone to a dog event and stepped in dog poo? I have! It isn’t fun. When you have a big crowd, lot’s of dogs that means lot’s of poop if people aren’t responsible and Scoop That Poop!

The one place I see the non scooping of poop is at the Hunt Test’s I go to. On a test day there are three events going on at the same time at different locations on the clubs grounds. This can mean there are around 200 dogs on the grounds.

The crowd and not even all of them.

The crowd and not even all of them.

Most people let their dogs run off leash and let them poop where ever they want and they don’t pick it up! I think because the event is held in a field or marsh area people think they don’t need to Scoop That Poop.

I keep my dogs on a leash.

I keep my dogs on a leash.

It's very simple to Scoop That Poop.

It’s very simple to Scoop That Poop.

There aren’t garbage cans out in the field where the dogs are competing so that is another reason why I think people don’t Scoop That Poop.

Everyone does have a vehicle of some sorts so why not Scoop That Poop and put it in your vehicle until you can get to a garbage can?

Many poop bags have sat  in my truck.

Many poop bags have sat in my truck.

I have this nifty poop bag holder from The Fifth Paw that will hold the poop bags and keep my hands free to scoop more poop. This might be a third reason why people don’t Scoop That Poop.

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It will hold multiple poop bags.

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As you can see I have multiple dogs, multiple bags of poop and my poop bag dispenser hooked to my leash set. Easy as that!

It doesn’t matter where you are poop being left behind is gross and can leave diseases behind for others humans and animals to pick up! So stop giving excuses and Scoop That Poop!



Brought to you by our friends Sugar The Golden Retriever scoopers Oz The Terrier and Pawsitively Pets.

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Mischief In Poop Hunt


It’s Scoop That Poop time again.

This months theme is “Poop Hunt”. Brought to you by our great host’s Sugar The Golden Retriever, Oz The Terrier and My Pawsitively Pets.

Poop hunt we're on it.

Poop hunt we’re on it.

The poop hunt begins.

The poop hunt begins.

I wonder who the Mischief drop a load in front of the steps was??????

Gman's on it, scoop that poop before it is tracked into the house.

Gman’s on it, scoop that poop before it is tracked into the house.

One should always Scoop That Poop, especially when someone drops a load right next to the steps to the deck. We don’t want any 2 or 4 leggers stepping in the poop and tracking it into the house.

April is Heartworm Awareness Month 

 The American Heartworm Society (AHS) has developed a series of heartworm life cycle illustrations for Heartworm Awareness Month. These professionally designed illustrations are available in two versions—one for pet owners (shown below) and one for veterinarians and clinic staff. These illustrations can be downloaded for FREE, and are suitable for use in client handouts, on your clinic website or Facebook page, in staff training materials, or to print and post in the exam room.

The AHS recommends year round administration of a chemoprophylatic drugs (heartworm preventative) to prevent heartworm disease, control other pathogenic and/or zoonotic parasites, and enhance compliance.

One big reason to Scoop That Poop.

Poop contains zoonotic parasites which means the parasites can be transmitted to humans. Yuck huh? You can get human parasites from touching animal poop.

In case where people are lazy and don’t Scoop That Poop it is a GREAT idea to have your pet on a Heartworm Preventative and to give that preventative once a month all year long.

Did you know that most Heartworm Preventatives will control intestinal parasites like Roundworms, Hookworms and Whipworms? That is one reason why it is recommended that you give  the preventative all year long so that your pet is dewormed monthly. Another reason why you should give the preventative year round is that you never know when you are going to have warm weather and you don’t have to worry about if you gave the last pill at the right time in the fall/winter. Most Heartworm Preventatives prevent heartworm disease by working backwards, meaning the pill you give on the 1st of the month will kill anything that is in the bloodstream from the month prior not for the current month you give the pill. So if you stop giving the preventative in November because you think it is too cold out you won’t be killing the heartworm that may have been transmitted in October. This happened to my out of state friend, her dog came down with heartworm disease. She gave the last pill in October and thought she would be ok as they had some cold weather. She now is going to give the medication year round and not take the chance again. We had our first case of Heartworm Disease also at the clinic last week. It was a dog that was rescued from down south and adopted out up here. It did have a negative heartworm test in December of 2013 that was negative but it must of been infected and the microfilaria were not old enough to release the antigen needed for a positive test.

Heartworm Disease is a deadly disease, intestinal parasites are transmissible to humans so lets give that Heartworm Preventative once a month all year long and don’t forget to SCOOP THAT POOP!

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monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to 
Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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Scoop That Poop


Today’s scoop that poop message is on a serious note and going to be about the importance of making arrangements to have someone to scoop that poop when your health deteriorates so much that you can’t scoop that poop yourself and the out come of what happens when you don’t scoop that poop.

When your health is terminal and near the end and you live by yourself with your animals you need to make arrangements to have someone come in and scoop that poop if you can’t.

If you own cat(s) you need to scoop the litter box on a daily basis.

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When you don’t you have this……


When you have that you have a cat going outside the litter box which isn’t good at all.



Because my friend was near the end of her life and she didn’t make prior arrangements to have someone come in and take care of her pets both the cat and dog were peeing/pooping in the house. She was so sick she couldn’t clean up so when the emt’s came they ended up calling the police who ended up calling the animal control officer who came in and took the pet’s to the sheltera.

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I went to the shelter and got her cat and dog out of jail and took them back to the clinic with me. The house on the other hand will have to have some work done to it.


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When you are so sick or near the end of your life and you live alone please make arrangements to have your pet’s taken care of and have someone check on you also. Have them scoop that poop so the animals don’t get carted off to a strange place wondering what the heck they did and what is going on.

PoopScoop_thumbToday we join Sugar The Golden Retriever and her co-host’s Oz The TerrierThe World According To Garth RileyMy Pawsitively PetsThe Lazy Pitbull and Emma MyGBGVLife. Thanks to all of you for having this informative blog hop to raise awareness of the importance of picking up after your dog. Spread the word #ScoopThatPoop.
#ScoopThatPoop is a monthly blog hop (every 3rd Monday of the month). Follow us on Twitter @Scoop_That_Poop. There next hop is on Monday, Feb 17th.

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Scoop That Poop~Poop Patrol


Today we join Sugar The Golden Retriever and her co-host’s Oz The Terrier, The World According To Garth Riley, My Pawsitively Pets and Emma MyGBGVLife. Thanks to all of you for having this informative blog hop.


Poop Patrol………

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Officer Glory here today to do poop patrol in Cambria, WI. 


Driving around in my Police car checking out the area to see who is not scooping their dogs poop when out for a walk. 

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Time to patrol on paw.

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Looks like we have a poop bandit on our paws….I wonder who could of left this pile and didn’t bother to scoop their poop?


Was it Nellie breaking the law?


Or was it Gambler breaking the law?


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Since the poop will be analyzed at the CSI lab I officer Glory will just have to arrest both poop bandits! 

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The honorable Glory will now give the verdict for poop bandit Nellie and Gambler. 

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The verdict is………………….100 hours of community scoop that poop service with the white dog as your leader. So go out and Scoop That Poop and keep the community clean and disease free. 

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When I was thinking of what to do for this post today I happened to be looking at my Gun Dog magazine and there was a article about the PooTrap. Of course I had to look it up being this blog hop was coming up. Here is the youtube video of the PooTrap. The ending made me crack up!

Let’s all be respectable and pick up after your pet. No one likes to come across poop on their walks. Thank you to our host’s for this great awareness blog hop.


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Scoop That Poop~Poop Poetry

It’s Scoop That Poop awareness time again. Where bloggers blog about Scoop That Poop and help spread the word how EVERYONE should Scoop That Poop. This blog hop is brought to you by Sugar The Golden Retriever and Dogster.


“Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day.” – Harry S Truman

That quote is so true, no one should have to kick a fresh turd any day. So in order not to kick a fresh turd you should Scoop That Poop.

Since we are talking poop I wanted to take a moment to thank Sugar for The Fifth Paw I won a few months back. I finally have a moment to share my thoughts on The Fifth Paw.


I have multiple dogs so I took 3 of them for walks on leashes as Norman got to walk behind off lead. I managed to Scoop That Poop 4 times and attached the poop bags to The Fifth Paw.

Attached The Fifth Paw to my leash.

Attached The Fifth Paw to my leash.

Away we went, in no time had a couple of poop bags.

Away we went, in no time had a couple of poop bags.

Even more.

Even more.

Hitting Nellie in the head.

Hitting Glory in the head.

The Fifth paw worked great for one bag of poop when walking multiple dogs. When I added more poop bags they got tangled up in one another and since the dogs don’t all walk at the same pace some times they got hit in the head with the poop bags. If they were walking really fast or running then the poop bags really swung around and got tangled up. When I would walk one dog at a time The Fifth Paw was great! Multiple dogs it worked but I was afraid the poop bags would break open with all the swinging and tangling. I give this product a 4 paw star for single dog, and a 3 paw star for multiple dogs.

So everyone go out and Scoop That Poop!

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#Scoop That Poop #2 Be A Scooper Hero


Be A Scooper Hero!

It’s a bird, it’s a plane…’s a Scooper Hero Gman to the scoop that poop rescue!

Scooper Hero Gman

Scooper Hero Gman

If there’s poop to be scooped Gman is the man for the job. If he finds unattended poop be sure he will find out who it belongs to, if it’s not unattended he will make sure it is taken care of properly.

Out for our daily walk.

Out for our daily walk.

Most unattended and poop left behind happens when dogs are taken on a walk. Some people think they don’t need to pick up after their dogs. They are so wrong! Everyone should be picking up after their dogs no matter where they are.

Well well what do we have here?

Well well what do we have here?

Scooper Hero Gman asks!

Mystery Poop.

Mystery Poop.

It’s unattended poop! Who left this here? Someone didn’t pick up after their pet. Gman says “wait a minute, this isn’t k9 poop” I wonder who left this behind out here in the county on the blacktop road? (Find out the mystery pooper at the end of the post)

Scooper Hero picks up mystery poop.

Scooper Hero picks up mystery poop.

Who’s poop is it is neither here nor there, we should pick up all poop we come across
so that we can cut down on the risk of spreading diseases and internal parasites.

Continuing our walk.

Continuing our walk.

Carry on gang, back to our walk. We are using the nifty The Fifth Paw poop bag holder, isn’t it cool?

Super scooper Gman to the rescue again.

Super scooper Gman to the rescue again.

Nellie has to poo.

Nellie has to poo.

This time we know who the pooper is, it is Nellie so we should pick up her poop so we don’t contaminate the soil if by chance she had internal parasites.

Opps have to wipe.

Opps have to wipe.

Sure glad I had this Fetch Earth disposable poop bag with this handy dandy wipe on it to wipe Nellie’s butt after a messy poop.


Back to our walk.

Back to our walk, Norman and Glory poo’ed so we now have 4 bags of poop on The Fifth Paw. If the reason why people don’t pick up their poop is because they don’t want to hold on to it then the answer would be to get The Fifth Paw and let it hold the poop for you.

Hike it up high gman.

Hike it up high gman.

Even Scooper Hero Gman has to have his turn. You all know he likes to hike his ass up high to poop so we thought we would show you it again just in case you forgot what he looked like pooping. He took his cape off so he wouldn’t get it dirty.

You didn’t forget about the mystery pooper did you? The mystery pooper would be none other than Mr. Coyote!

Mystery pooper.

Mystery pooper.

How do I know this you ask? I know this because when Scooper Hero Gman came upon the poop he tried to roll on it which told me it was a wild animal poop. We have had a pack of coyote’s hang around our property as we can hear them yipping at night. I didn’t need the dogs rolling in that poop so I picked it up!

Be pro active and scoop that poop.

Be pro active and scoop that poop.


This is the 2nd Scoop That Poop blog hop. Put on by Sugar The Golden Retriever and Dogster.

#ScoopThatPoop now has its own website and can be found on Twitter as well.

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Scoop That Poop/Monday Mischief Blog Hop

We are joining, Gizmo’s Terrier Torrent, Sugar the Golden Retriever and Garth Riley for their Scoop That Poop Blog Hop...

 FetchEarth Giveaway Winners

Since I am a Veterinary Technician I thought I would talk a little about intestinal parasites associated with poop for Scoop That Poop day.

Nestle Purina company made this handy Fecal Scoring System for people to use to score their pet’s poop. It helps veterinarians and technicians determine if their pet’s poop is Normal or not. If the clients are unable to get a stool sample before their visit they can look at the chart and let us know what kind of bowel movement their pet is having and if it is normal or not.

Intestinal Parasites

Intestinal Parasites can cause your pet’s poop to be abnormal. Intestinal parasites roundworms, whipworms and hookworms can be spread to humans so it is a good idea to have your pet’s stool checked for intestinal parasites a couple times a year to make sure they are negative for intestinal parasites. If your pet has abnormal stool for a extended period of time you should take a sample to your veterinarian and have a fecal examination done on it. They will check for adult intestinal parasites like roundworms, hookworms, whipworms and tapeworms by examining the outside of the stool sample. If you see anything like this on your pet’s poop you should scoop it up along with the sample and take it to your veterinarian for analysis. Here is a picture of an adult roundworm.


Here is a picture of an adult tapeworm.

If you see “rice” like segments on the fur of your dogs hind legs or around the rectum most likely it is a tapeworm. You may also see the segments on your pet’s poop.

If no adults are found then they will set up a fecal float and look for the eggs of each of those parasites along with a parasite called coccidia. They will also look for a parasite called giardia. Sometimes you can find giardia by looking at a direct smear of the stool sample but not always so if the veterinarian suspects giardia they will run a giardia snap test which will test for giardia antigen. Here is a picture of a giardia trophozoite that can be found in a direct smear.

Giardia can cause bloody watery diarrhea, it can be contracted by drinking out of contaminated puddles or stepping in contaminated stool.

Since there are many intestinal parasites that are zoonotic to humans it is a good idea to ALLWAYS SCOOP YOUR POOP and practice good hygiene along with teaching your children about good hygiene to lessen the risk of them picking up a intestinal parasite from your pet.

There are other diseases that can cause your pet’s poop to look abnormal but I will save that for another post as intestinal parasites are the big one that is transmitted to humans so thought it was appropriate for today’s Scoop The Poop Blog Hop.

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There’s a little mischief in today’s blog post for Mischief Monday also. Gambler likes to cause mischief with his poop by pooping on various rocks around our house. The bigger the rock the better.


monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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