Scoop That Poop


Today’s scoop that poop message is on a serious note and going to be about the importance of making arrangements to have someone to scoop that poop when your health deteriorates so much that you can’t scoop that poop yourself and the out come of what happens when you don’t scoop that poop.

When your health is terminal and near the end and you live by yourself with your animals you need to make arrangements to have someone come in and scoop that poop if you can’t.

If you own cat(s) you need to scoop the litter box on a daily basis.

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When you don’t you have this……


When you have that you have a cat going outside the litter box which isn’t good at all.



Because my friend was near the end of her life and she didn’t make prior arrangements to have someone come in and take care of her pets both the cat and dog were peeing/pooping in the house. She was so sick she couldn’t clean up so when the emt’s came they ended up calling the police who ended up calling the animal control officer who came in and took the pet’s to the sheltera.

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I went to the shelter and got her cat and dog out of jail and took them back to the clinic with me. The house on the other hand will have to have some work done to it.


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When you are so sick or near the end of your life and you live alone please make arrangements to have your pet’s taken care of and have someone check on you also. Have them scoop that poop so the animals don’t get carted off to a strange place wondering what the heck they did and what is going on.

PoopScoop_thumbToday we join Sugar The Golden Retriever and her co-host’s Oz The TerrierThe World According To Garth RileyMy Pawsitively PetsThe Lazy Pitbull and Emma MyGBGVLife. Thanks to all of you for having this informative blog hop to raise awareness of the importance of picking up after your dog. Spread the word #ScoopThatPoop.
#ScoopThatPoop is a monthly blog hop (every 3rd Monday of the month). Follow us on Twitter @Scoop_That_Poop. There next hop is on Monday, Feb 17th.

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