#FuelTheCure With Zuke’s Loving Life Contest & Fundraiser

Today we are joining Oz The TerrierSugar the Golden Retriever for their part in Zuke’s The Dog And Cat Cancer Fund. They are helping to spread the word by hosting a Loving Life Contest & Fundraiser. All I have to do is write a blog post about my dog loving life with #FuelTheCure in the post title. How easy is that! Very easy for me because Gambler is always loving life so it’s no problem to show him off and help raise money for the Dog and Cat Cancer Fund. Zuke’s will donate $5.00 for each blog post.

Gambler was loving life the weekend he got his first AKC Master Hunter pass. Here are some photos my friend Kim S took of him while out in the field doing what he does best, retrieving birds and loving life while doing it!

What do you think? Is Gambler loving life?

If you would like to #FuelTheCure check out the contest by stopping over to Oz’s or Sugar’s blog and join in the fun while helping raise money for a great cause.

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1st AKC Master Hunter Pass~Black And White Sunday

Gambler’s 1st Master Hunter Pass 5/11/15


We are joining Dachshund Nola & Sugar The Golden Retriever for the Black and White Sunday Blog Hop.

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Bad Mom No Biscuit~Gambler Blows A Moccasin

Bad Mom No Biscuit~Gambler Blows A Moccasin

A couple weeks ago Gamblers brother Easy from across the pond tore his toenail off you can read about it here. Gambler not wanting to have his brother feeling like he was the only one to blow a moccasin decided to blow one of his own the first day of spring training at the Sandspring ranch. On my day off I set up some blinds for G & G, we ran our blinds, set up camp for the evening and John asked why Gambler was holding his leg up…..ahhhh that would be because he broke his toenail. This would be the third toenail that Gambler has broken off. Second time while out training, the other time while attacking the vacuum.

Rut roo not good to go for a ride with mom on a work day.

This was totally my fault, I noticed over the weekend that his nails were getting long and that they needed to be trimmed but of course I ran out of time and didn’t get to it now poor Gambler had to suffer. 😦

Broken back toenail.

He just took off the top part of the nail.

Other toenails very long. Bad Mom!

The toenail on the right is the one he broke off over a year ago, it still hasn’t decided to grow back like a regular nail. The toenail with the arrow by it is showing the quik (blood vein in the toenail- pink area) and the white tip of the toenail that is over grown and should be cut off so it doesn’t break off.

How I trim toenails.

Trimming equipment.

There are different types of nail trimmers, I like those big orange ones. You should also have on hand kwik stop to stop bleeding if you cut one too short, styptic pencils can be used too but will sting.

Gambler laying on his side.

Since I had help I had Gambler lay on his side. The holder put her elbow across his neck and used her left hand to hold his lower front leg and then put her right arm across his stomach right in front of his back legs and held his lower back leg. With those legs held if he struggles he can’t get up. I then trim the tips off the nails, I trim the skinny area right before it gets to the thick part of the nail shown above by the arrow. If they are light nails you can see the quik in the nail which is pink so you want to cut right before the quik.

Starting in the middle.

I start taking the middle of the nail off then I rotate the clippers to take some off of each side and then go back to the middle and take more off the top.

Rotating to the sides.

Opps I cut one to short.

If you happen to cut one to short, you can use kwik stop powder or corn starch to stop the bleeding. Styptic pencils can be used too but do sting so we use those on asleep animals.

Bleeding stopped.

A dremel can be used to smooth out the rough edges.

Trimmed up.

Don’t be like me and wait for your dog to break a toenail before you trim them. Granted they can still break a toenail that is trimmed up but most likely it happens when they are long. This was a minor break once it was trimmed up and cleaned up Gambler was good as new and back training. Can’t keep this hard running dog down at all.

monday mischief 

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Winter Isn’t Over Yet~Wordless Wednesday

So get your snow gear on!


Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.

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Damaged Puppy Teeth=Trip To UW Vet School

Last week for February is National Pet Dental month I wrote a post about products you can get at your Veterinary Clinic to keep your pets teeth healthy, if you missed it you can read it here. I spoke in the post that I had a lot of work done on Gamblers teeth when he was young that cost me a lot of money so I need to keep his teeth healthy. I said I would write about it later and later is today.

When I got Gambler at 7 weeks of age he was just a little bitty thing that just wanted the love of his daddy Norman. Norman was having no part of the loving bit so each time Gambler came near him, he growled to tell him to back away and Gambler not listening went in closer. A couple times in two weeks was too close for Norman and he bit him each time in the head. They were some pretty bad bites and I can’t believe Gambler isn’t anymore touched than he already is.

I got to close to my daddy’s teeth.

Mom didn’t have peas so I got a ice pack.

Little did I know at the time that Gambler would be in for dental work when he was older. Gambler healed up from his bites and never learned to stay away from Norman. When Gambler was 8 months old I had him in the clinic for a exam and the doctor noticed the enamel on his adult teeth was coming off. He had enamel hypoplasia. His teeth were a brown color and you could see groves (last of enamel) in his teeth. Time to go see a dental specialist. I chose to go to the Veterinary School in Madison for his exam and dental work.

They examined his teeth, took radiographs, extracted one, restored the others and come to find out when Norman bit him one time, he displaced his adult pre molar one and it was in the back of his mouth above his pre molar four.

Top arrow is the displaced tooth, bottom arrow is the broken tooth.

Broken molar.

The broken upper left molar needed to be extracted. They wanted to do a cat scan of his head to see exactly where that displaced tooth was and then go in and extract it because if left in it could cause a bony cyst that would need to be removed at a later date. I chose to not do the cat scan and to wait and see what happened. He had enough done to him this day.

They restored his damaged teeth which consisted of cleaning his teeth and prepping them to put a sealer on the teeth to prevent the enamel left on from coming off and because the enamel was off in spots that meant there were tiny microscopic holes in the teeth and that was cause for future infections as well as the teeth could be sensitive.

Enamel defect by arrow.

Enamel defect by arrow.

Enamel defect by arrow.

Restoration complete.

Restoration complete.

Restoration complete.

The doctors at the vet school told me that when their is trauma to the baby teeth when the adult teeth come it it can cause them to have enamel hypoplasia. I never knew this before and know now to really be careful with puppy mouths.

Gambler had to spend one night at the vet school and I had to may a $1200.00 bill to fix his teeth. That first year I was very compliant on brushing his teeth everyday as I spent a lot of money to fix them I wanted him to keep them. I must admit thou I’m not as good about brushing them.

More on enamel hypoplasia by clicking here.

I leave you with this adorable picture of baby Gamblers little toes taken the day he was bitten.

Have a great day and go brush those chompers. 

Black & White Sunday~Christmas Week

Have a great Holiday week.







We are joining Dachshund Nola & Sugar The Golden Retriever for the Black and White Sunday Blog Hop.

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Monday Mischief~No Surprise He’s On The Counter Again!

I was sitting on the couch minding my own business when I heard the infamous sound of sneekie pete gman up on the island again. I of course start yelling at him  grab my phone and start taking pictures.

What do we have here?

Oh looky here, it’s my ecollar, maybe we should go hunting to wear me out so I don’t have to jump on the counters!

Here’s to you peeps, my full moon!

What was Gman doing when he was mooning you? He found the spend bullet that John dug out of his deer that he shot and picked it up and brought it into the living room by me and spit it out. He is such a dork!

Never a dull Mischief Monday at our house.

3 more sleeps til Glory’s 3rd Birthday Party, stop back Thursday for her Birthday Giveaway!

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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Wordless Wednesday~Master P




Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.

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Blinds With Decoys And Hay Bales

Gambler and Glory’s downfall at hunt tests have been blinds. So we have been trying to run more blinds to have them become better at them. Gamblers downfall with blinds is that the mark is thrown one way and the blind is run under the arc of the mark so there is so much scent out there on the way to the blind. He gets hung up in the scent and will hunt on his own by the thrown bird station and then will ignore the handler. So we set up blinds with ducks sitting in a pen behind a hay bale on the way out to the blind, we also put out decoys on each side of the blind line to have distractions out there. This is more advance training then Glory will see in her Senior level test but one day she will be running these blinds so why not start training now?

Glory in a whistle sit.

Right hand back.

Whistle sit.

Left hand back.

Almost there.

Got it!

Heading back.

Here I am!

Gambler taking off.

Full steam ahead.

Got to the blind in record time.

Heading back.

Lining up to go again.

We continue to train as much as we can. We are getting ready for a up coming test with Glory this coming weekend. She will be running in a AKC Senior test. Gambler has off until the following weekend where he will be running in a UKC Finished test.

Wordless Wednesday~Birthday Duck


Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.

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