Time Warp with a little Tuesday’s Tails

Today is the first of Time Warp Tuesday that I am happy to be apart of. We all like to see before and after photos so this is a cool hop to be apart of. Thanks to EasyBlog & Mollie&Alfie for starting this hop.

Gambler Before: As a 3 month old pup.


Gambler After: As a 2.75 yr old adult.


TIMEWARP-BLOGHOP is being hosted by EasyBlog & Mollie&Alfie.
This is the Blog Hop that features shelter animals. Find a cat, dog, rabbit, etc. at your local animal shelter or rescue and feature them on this Blog Hop! Come join the fun and help a furry friend find a forever home! And while you’re at it, don’t forget to visit the other blogs and share their doggies, cats, rabbits, and all the other animals that need forever homes on your social media sites. Please spread the word!
Thanks to Dogs N Pawz for hosting this blog hop!
My Tuesday’s Tails post is going to be a little different this week as I’m not featuring a pet but will be sharing my story and featuring Madacc.
Madacc stands for: Milwaukee Domestic Animal Control Commission


MADACC currently rescues and assures safe, temporary shelter, veterinary and humane care for nearly 13,000 stray, unwanted, abandoned, mistreated and injured animals each year — more than any other animal control shelter in Wisconsin. MADACC provides a central location for owners to find and recover their lost pets at 3839 W. Burnham St. in West Milwaukee and is open seven days a week, including evening hours on weekdays.  MADACC rescues strays and removes dangerous animals from public areas providing effective animal control services by active enforcement of Wisconsin State Statues pertaining to animal welfare.

MADACC is an organization charged with the responsibility of rescuing thousands of lost and homeless animals and animals suffering from cruelty, neglect and indifference.

Animal Care and Control facilities are often referred to derogatorily as “the pound”. They are often one of the most misunderstood organizations in any community. Although their mission is to save lives, their community’s irresponsible pet ownership requires them to euthanize animals, and then they are faulted for doing so.  These organizations don’t have the luxury of shrinking from the life and death issues of animal welfare.  They are the only animal welfare agency in any community that has to address the issue of pet euthanasia head on every minute of every day.

Today I will be visiting Madacc for the first time. I will be going there to rescue my good friends dog and cat as she was hospitalized this past weekend then passed away yesterday. My friend lived alone, was very sick and only had one family member to help her out. Nobody knew what to do with the animals when they took her to the hospital so Madacc was called and they came and took the animals and kept them on hold until her brother could tell them what to do with them. Apparently nothing was set in place before this time. I for one knew my friend was very sick but didn’t think it was her time so we never talked about the care of her animals when something happened. I always knew in my heart I would probably be the one helping them out but with everything happening as fast as it did I didn’t have a chance to get them before hand and now I have to go rescue them from the shelter.

This leads me to something we should all think about and that is what to do with our pets when something happens to us. A couple of weeks ago Dakota’s Den did a book review on this subject. The book is called: “If I should Die Before My Dog- ” by Joe and Cathy Connolly. I loved the review and bookmarked the page as I wanted to refer back to this when it was time for me to get the book which I think pet owners should do.

I am guilty I am not prepared, I feel guilty that I didn’t help my friend prepare and now her animals are at a shelter wondering why they are there and if they are getting out. Heck I don’t even have plans for if John and I should die at the same time let alone a plan for all my animals. We need to seize the moment and take care of some important business.

I’m not sure what is going to happen today when I go to Madacc, I’m not sure what is going to happen to Oscar and Cooper in the coming days but I will be getting them and figuring out the rest of their lives.

Another thing I hope to do is to be able to get the remains of my friends prior animals that she had cremated and kept on the shelf displayed in her kitchen that I would look at every time I visited her and bring them home with me and spread their ashes on my land so they can be back on earth and near me so I can always feel the presence of my dear friend that I would of called mom if I didn’t already have one. God Speed Susie I will look after your pets and put them in good hands.

Oscar who is now ~15 years old.

Oscar who is now ~15 years old.

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