Day 18 with the sisters

The sisters are 18 days old now and still growing.

Weighs: Yellow 5.5#, Green 5.5#, Pink 5#, Pink 4.75#

They are moving around on their new legs very nicely, they can sit up and hold their heads up now. They are starting to face fight with each other, paw and bite at mom. They are trying to play with their stuffed animals. Last night I picked them all up and snuggled them into my face and green & red girl gave me a kiss back. It was the sweetest thing. When I snuggle with them you can hear their noses just a going to smell who you are and if your alright and if they should feel safe. I brought out all there little colorful xmas toys and they had a ball walking threw the pile and looking at the toys.

Day 11

Couple days behind on puppy updates. Day 9 was Tuesday  and I came home from work after being gone for 2 days and I picked up the sisters and when I put them back down they had their eyes open and they were looking at me. This is the earliest any of Nellie’s puppies have opened their eyes, usually it doesn’t happen til around day 14. Red girl also stood up and started to walk around and pooped out her first turd on her own. They are growing so fast. There weights are up to: Yellow 3.75#, Red 3.15#, Pink 3.25#, Green 3.5#.

Puppies are 3 days old.

Nellie and the puppies are doing very well. They are 3 days old today. They are growing like weeds. They started out at 1-1.5# and they are upto 1.5-1.75#. Nellie is taking such good care of them. When they are sound asleep she comes out of the box to say hi to us and go out potty then when they squeek she runs up there and counts all of them and jumps back in the box. She has really been the best mom the past 3 litters. Couldn’t ask for a better one.

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The delivery

The due date was suppost to be Dec. 1st. but Nellie decided to hold on to her precious cargo a little longer. This morning at 4:14am she delivered her first baby girl. She proceeded to deliver 3 more girls by 6:50am. Three puppies are dark brown and one is a lighter brown. They are all doing very well and once again Nellie is being a very good momma. She does everything and I don’t have to do to much. She takes such good care of her young. It’s so warm and cozy to sit down stairs and hear little puppy noises coming from the upstairs.

Day 62

Well I thought there was a slight chance last night Nellie would go into labor. I slept on the couch with her and she was laying on my legs and I could feel the little guys moving and I thought I saw some contractions (which were just puppies moving). She would pick her head up and pant but that turned out to be she was just hot from me smothering her. So maybe tonight will be the lucky night. I took her with to my deer stand today to get alittle exercise and she enjoyed that and now we all are curled up on the couch. She is extremely hugh I can’t believe she won’t just pop them out as she must be uncomfortable but she is doing fine with it.

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