#FuelTheCure With Zuke’s Loving Life Contest & Fundraiser

Today we are joining Oz The TerrierSugar the Golden Retriever for their part in Zuke’s The Dog And Cat Cancer Fund. They are helping to spread the word by hosting a Loving Life Contest & Fundraiser. All I have to do is write a blog post about my dog loving life with #FuelTheCure in the post title. How easy is that! Very easy for me because Gambler is always loving life so it’s no problem to show him off and help raise money for the Dog and Cat Cancer Fund. Zuke’s will donate $5.00 for each blog post.

Gambler was loving life the weekend he got his first AKC Master Hunter pass. Here are some photos my friend Kim S took of him while out in the field doing what he does best, retrieving birds and loving life while doing it!

What do you think? Is Gambler loving life?

If you would like to #FuelTheCure check out the contest by stopping over to Oz’s or Sugar’s blog and join in the fun while helping raise money for a great cause.

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Wordless Wednesday~Master P




Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.

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Wordless Wednesday~HR Certificate

Glory’s new name:

HR UCH Sand Spring No Gut’s No Glory JH CGC


Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.

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FitDog Friday








As you can see our FitDog Friday exercise this week was one day of hunt test training on land with Gambler and Glory. They are so happy the snow is gone so they can get back out and do what they love to do, retrieve ducks. The other day of training this week was again hunt test training but on water this time. Nellie got to join in on the exercise as we were at our house so she went along for the fun and exercise. Our pond is in the marsh so the marsh grass is much thicker than normal grass and longer so they get there work out running through it as well as swimming across the pond. They have to go in and out on the banks (sometimes they jump in and fly) so they really have to use their front shoulder muscles to get them in and out of the water on sloped banks. Great exercise all around and easy on their joints.

Nellie was first:

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Glory was next:

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Last was Gambler:

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They don’t mind exercising when they are doing something they love.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Monday Mischief~Metals

This weekend we had a good kind of Mischief. Once again we were at a hunt test. This hunt test was a UKC HRC test hosted by Muddy Water’s Hunting Retrieving Club. It was held by Steven’s Point, WI at the Mead Wildlife

Glory was entered in Started, which I ran her and Gambler was entered in Seasoned, John ran him. Gambler’s first test was land, he had a double with a diversion thrown after the second mark was brought back then he had a blind. He did excellent on everything even listened to John on the blind. He then went on to water where he had a walk up then his 2 marks. After that was done then he ran a small channel blind and did another excellent job. He got his second seasoned pass.

Glory first test was water, she had 2 single retrieves on water. The first mark she went right in and brought the bird back. The second one she had a small amount of hesitation, she went to the left she went to the right looked at the decoys on the right then I was just about to resend her and then she jumped in and got her duck. The land was next and she had no problems at all. She got her first started pass.


Sunday was another test day. Same scenario as Saturday.  Glory was entered in Started, which I ran her and Gambler was entered in Seasoned, John ran him. Gambler’s first test was land. It was a walk up then the blind then his double marks. The blind was a little harry, he wouldn’t listen once again at the end, he thought he could find the bird by himself. He had a couple refusals and the judge said he needs a clean water blind. Glory did most excellent on water. She jumped in twice and had no hesitation at all. I was very proud of her, is she coming around???? We will see. Her land was spot on too! She nailed her 2 land marks, didn’t stop short, didn’t over run them she was spot on! She received her second started pass on Sunday.

Gambler ran land first which was a walk up then the blind which he had trouble at the end of the blind again. He thought he knew where it was so he wasn’t taking John’s cast as well as he should of. The judge told John he could continue to the marks but he better show more control on his water blind to pass. His land double was good. He moved onto water and had to do the blind first which he showed more control and did the blind nicely, then there was a diversion and the 2 water marks. I didn’t get to see this test at all as it was in a small area with no place for me to hide so I stayed by the truck. I was listening to the whistle blows and thought he was having troubles on the blind again but I was wrong and he passed. He received his Hunting Retrieving title and I got wet.

Gamblers new name is: USJ HR U-CH Sand Spring Ev’ry Paw’s A Winner JH



Getting ready for the COLD well water.


The baptism!


WOWEEEE that was cold but well worth it!

A big thanks to Muddy Waters HRC! This was our first time running our dogs on the Mead Wildlife grounds. We had a fabulous weekend, met some really nice people, the club members, the judges everyone made it a great weekend. We will be coming back!

Please don’t forget to go to http://pheasantsforever.org/page/1/puppycontest_2013.jsp and vote for Glory. She isn’t doing to bad on votes.

Don’t forget also if you haven’t left a comment on my Rain Forest Coastal Labs Shampoo blog post last week go back and check it out and have a chance to win a sample of their shampoo by leaving me a comment. This contest will end Tuesday AM Aug 6th.

My blog friend PHE is in the cutest but caught contest also, stop on by and vote for her also.

She is one the destroyed couch with this caption: MOM…I promise, it wasn’t me! The other 3 are hiding. They just want you to think it was me!


monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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Monday Mischief ~Sticky Mouth


Gambler, Gambler, Gambler is about all I can say……Yesterday we had another UKC HRC hunt test hosted by WISILL club. Gambler and I were running our second seasoned test today. It was a fair test the judges set up. Started out with a walk up, I shot at the bird, blew my whistle and Gambler sat there like a statue until I released him. Picked up the bird and came back where I took it from him. We continued up to the line where we had to start off picking up a water blind. I shot the shotgun to signal there was a blind to be run and he lined the blind across the pond with one whistle sit refusal when he got near the blind, I tried to sit him to cast him back to the blind but he “winded” in and didn’t sit and just went and grabbed the blind. It was a 32 yard blind through hopping water. Next was the double on water. He lined both marks and brought the birds back to me with no problems, on his way back with the last bird I had to shoot a diversion bird. He went and picked that up and I thought we were home free. Until the mischief began…….I told Gambler “out” to release the bird and he wouldn’t release the bird. I tried everything to get him to release, I got him up and moved him, I sat him down and tried again, I got up and moved again but he was locked tight on the bird. He wasn’t giving it to me. I finally had to manually open his mouth to get the bird out and since I did that he didn’t “deliver to hand” so we failed. What he did was what we call “sticky mouth” and it is a no no and you need to be on top of it before it gets out of hand. The only reason I would think Gambler did that was because he wanted to keep working and he is catching on that when he gets his birds he is done working and back to the truck so if he doesn’t give up the bird he thinks he is still out working, at least that is my thoughts on it.

On a much happier note and only a little mischief Glory and I passed her first started test. She has been having a issue with swimming out to long marks by not getting in or getting in swimming a few yards and coming back. She jumped in and got her short mark with no problems came back and on to birds number two which was a long mark. I lined her up, bird came out released her and she went to the side of me and was looking down the bank to see if she could get there another way, I rehealed her and send her again and she went only two feet, I then said “fetch it up” and she jumped in and swam right to the mark and brought it back. She passed by the skin on her teeth. Time to work on more water work!


This is a blog Hop!

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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This ‘N That Thursday


Today we are joining 2 Brown Dawgs for their This ‘N That Thursday’s blog hop!

This is what she has to say about the hop,

“A little of this and a little of that and everything in between…

“This ‘N That Thursday is for anything you want!  Maybe you want to post about unrelated topics, or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post, or you have awards to share, or you have one long post…anything goes!  So grab the button and join the hop!”

Sunday’s Hunt Test

This past Sunday we took Gambler and Glory up to Manitowoc Kennel Club’s spring hunt test. Gambler was running AKC Senior’s and Glory was running AKC Junior’s.

This is how Gamblers test went down in Gamblers words:

A field trial judge known for his hard hunt test set up’s was judge for the test so mom let John run me because she didn’t want to mess up and wanted a pass. The first land series was a double, dead bird (memory bird) first thrown from the right 75 yard’s then flier from left 110 yard’s. I was fixed on flyer station then 2 black birds went past so I didn’t see the first bird down. I pegged the flyer then John lined me up for memory on a wing and a prayer I went out and pegged that one (and they thought I didn’t see it). I one whistled land blind on way back from blind a diversion bird went over my head. I went and picked that up no problem. The honor was great, I got called back for the water series. On to water. Water was right bird first on land, flyer to left on water my bird only went 5 feet from shore, I ran the bank jumped in and grabbed it…for the other dogs it went across pond so they had to swim. John turned and said to the judges “that was a cheaty mark, I don’t know any dog that wouldn’t of done what he did”. I then went after the memory bird then a feather caught my attention so I got off line as I swam to the feather then a fish jumped so I  looked at that then I  got handled to bird and stepped on it. The blind was out past a point then on land. I had a 10 whistle hack job but did the job. Then I came back pegged my mom and wouldn’t listen….after John took the bird from me he was trying to get me to sit and put the leash on me and I wouldn’t have none of it. I kept staring at mom and then couldn’t take it anymore I ran away from john and right up to my mom and gave her a big wet hug..luckily I was the last dog…I got my second pass!


John handled Glory in her AKC Junior hunter test. She needed to do 2 single retrieves on land and then 2 single retrieves on the water. They did a great job. I was worried about Glory on the water as she has been getting confused on entering the water (I will release her, she runs to the water, jumps in and then comes back out and stares at me) so was a bit nervous if she was going to go in or not. She  ended up doing just that on the first water mark. John said he thought she was confused because the judge yelled out her number and John released her and she acted like she broke and she realized it and needed to come back until sent from John. Regardless he resent her and she jumped in got the bird and came back. Second mark went much better and she got her second Junior pass.

Some pictures of Glory’s water series.

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Glory Hunt Test- Manitowoc

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Naughty Dogs

I could wait till Mischief Monday to post up these photos but I’m quite sure I will have more photos for that day. I went outside one day and this is what I saw.

2013-05-11 13.32.25

I’m thinking I found the culprit that likes to haul my dishes outside. Miss Glory!

2013-05-15 07.16.172013-05-15 07.16.44

Besides Glory hauling out tupperware outside Gambler decided to haul a pillow outside and proceeded to de-stuff it! Naughty, Naughty….and here I am taking photos of naughty boy instead of yelling at him!


Gambler feels the need to pick up any clothes laying around and carry them around. John took off his sweatshirt when got home from work and Gambler picked it up and ran around with it roo’ing. So John put it on him because that must have been what Gambler wanted! Glory thought he looked really odd and didn’t quite know what was going on. Silly boy!

So that wraps it up for today, why don’t you hop on over to 2 Brown Dawgs see what their up to and grab the badge and join the hopping fun!

This is a Blog Hop!

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Wordless Wednesday ~Hunt Test



Wordless Wednesday is a community linkup of bloggers. Visit our host, BlogPaws, and you can use the icons below the post to hop from site to site. It is a great way to discover new blogs…..or even just a convenient way to find all of your favorites in one place. When you visit each site, be sure to leave a comment and let them know you found them through Wordless Wednesday.

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This ‘N That Thursday

Today we are joining 2 Brown Dawgs for their This ‘N That Thursday’s blog hop!

This is what she has to say about the hop,

“This ‘N That Thursday is for anything you want!  Maybe you want to post about unrelated topics, or each topic isn’t quite long enough to make up a whole post, or you have awards to share, or you have one long post…anything goes!  So grab the button and join the hop!”
I had a full weekend with Gambler and Glory this past weekend. Saturday we had our first AKC hunt test of the season. It was put on by the Fox Valley Retriever Club and was held at Bong State Park. If your in Wisconsin and are into outdoor activities Bong is a great place to do things. You can enjoy camping, hiking, horseback trails, get involved in rocket launching, upland training and hunt test training along with running competitions there.
Gambler and I were running seniors, John and Glory were running juniors. To run juniors Glory needed to do 2 single retrieves on land and if she passed land she got to move on to the water series. She passed her land so John and her moved onto water. She did 2 singles on water and passed her first junior hunter test of the season. She was such a good girl! You can tell by the picture how happy the both of them were!
Gambler and I on the other hand didn’t fair so well. I should said Gambler did great, I didn’t fair to well. Seniors consists of 2 land and water retrieves, a land and a water blind and one of the series has to have a honor in it. Other things can be done also like a diversion and a walk up. We started out with a land double with a honor. Gambler stepped on the second bird thrown, went on to retrieve the live flyer that was shot and he had a little bit of a hunt but stuck with it and found his bird. While he was out there hunting the judge commented on what a great hunt he was doing and that is the way it should be done. He then got to honor the next working dog. He sat there patiently and was excused after the working dog was released. He got called back to the next series. That series consisted of a land blind and a water blind. He ran the land blind first with lining the blind and didn’t need help from me to find it. He moved on to the water blind. I lined him up, released him, he ran around the bank and not straight into the water, I forgot I was in a test and not training and I called him back to me side and lined him up again and resent him. When at a test you don’t get to repeat or redo things. So I tried to finish the blind but he wan’t listing to my whistles so I called him in and I knew we were not passing. I was a nervous wreck so that didn’t help with my thinking. I can’t say it was a waste of time as anytime out at a test or training is a learning experience and I learned what I need not do next time.
Sunday Glory and I had a dog show put on by the Fond Du Lac Kennel Club. It was held at the Fond Du Lac expo center. Glory was being shown in the Amateur owner-handler  group. She was the only dog in her class so she took First in that class. She went up against one other female for Winners Bitch. The other dog won Winners Bitch and Glory got the Reserve Winners ribbon. We had a good time and got practice in the ring and hopefully learned something for next time which will be in a week. Here are a couple pictures of Glory and I.
Stacking Glory

Stacking Glory

Photo taken by Julie Darling.

Photo taken by Julie Darling.

First and Reserve Winners

First and Reserve Winners

So that wraps it up for today, why don’t you hop on over to 2 Brown Dawgs see what their up to and grab the badge and join the hopping fun!

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1st Senior Pass

Gambler and I with his first AKC Senior pass.

  This weekend Gamber and I ran another AKC Senior hunt test. This would be his 3rd one he has ran since his Junior Hunter title the end of June. He has been training for Seniors for 6 weeks before his first test the middle of August. This hunt test was held at the Madison Retriever Club in Oregon, WI. The Senior test started on Sunday September 2, 1-12. Land was the first series. The test was a walk up with memory bird and go bird as flyer with a blind. Gambler nailed the flyer and had a small hunt on the memory bird. His blind was so so. The mishap that happend during the test was went I went to release Gambler on his first mark I called him Norman and he went, then when he came back and healed up and I said out and took the bird he blasted off for the next bird. So he now thinks his name is Norman and Out! He had the judges laughing, or maybe it was I who had them laughing. The call backs were in and they dropped 1 dog out of 50 so 49 dogs got called back to water. Didn’t get started on water until 2pm so it was going to be hard pressed to get all the dogs run in before it got dark. The test was taking about 6-7 minutes a dog. This test was a water double, a blind and a honor. The sun was moving around to be in the dogs eyes at the end of the day so the judges called it quits for the day. I was one of the unlucky ones to have to come back on Monday and finish the test. There were 9 of us. We came back on Monday and with some work in the morning Gambler went on his name and didn’t move a muscle until I said his name. He lined the go bird and the memory bird he had a small hunt. We were suppost to “challange the blind” which means keep in a straight line but of course Gambler saw a decoy out next to the blind and had to check it out and I would blow the whistle to give him a cast over and he ignored me. He did then go over and got the bird, came back and honored off lead. The judges said “he sure doesn’t like to sit on the whistle” I said “yes that is his downfall, he is a chessie and has to do it his way”. His scores were high enough to pass as his name was called at the ribbon ceremony. I couldn’t be happier, finally the little man does it! What a way to end the hunt test season. Now off to hunting!