Follow-Up/FitDog Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
Today’s co-hostess is  Flea from Jones Natural Chews. Hop on over and see what kind of hats she is putting on her birds.
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Thank you all very much for all the sincere sympathies you left me. Thank you for the private messages, the emails and for all the cyber hugs. You all are amazing friends and you really helped me out during this very difficult time. I had a hard time writing this post and my biggest fear was that it was inappropriate. I didn’t know how everyone would react to my story, you reacted with an overabundance of love that I will cherish forever. I have a piece of Norman in my locket held close to my heart where he will always remain.  
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Is that the final rose?

Ruckus, it is. This was the rose that Cheryl at the crematorium gave me to leave with Norman. I had plans to take a cattail with me but my head was all messed up and I didn’t grab one before I left. He got to travel to his new life with a beautiful rose. This is probably one of my most favorite final pictures of Norman. 


I’m sure Norman was watching and swelled up with pride and love! Those pictures are fabulous! Love how much he loves his momma!

He loves me too much, when the other gal was handing him he was very obedient, I take him in the group ring and he goes nuts and wants to “hump” me. Bad boy! 🙂

Thank you all for your congratulation, I never thought I would finish him so fast. Now they tell me I could go on to get his Dual Grand Champion but I think I will retire him from the show ring and just concentrate on his hunting titles. 

Normally the pet beds in front of the patio window are Nellie’s favorite place to lay. MK has now taken over the spot and Nellie doesn’t seem to mind. 
Beautiful Glory.

Beautiful Glory.

weliveinaflat says:

In the middle of the post, the hunting pictures have pretty extreme light and shadow, is it because of the time you took them?

Yes I do believe it was the time of day I took them that made them turn out like this. Usually I get nice clean crisp photos and this day I went out in the afternoon to do some hunting in the freezing cold and this is what I got. 

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FitDog Friday
I was in denial and thought the last time I weighed Nellie she weighed 73#. Well she did weigh 73# but then she gained a whole bunch more. After hunting season started I weighed Nellie by picking her up and holding her while I got on the scale, then weighing myself it came up with 77#. I was horrified that she was that heavy. We then continued to hunt. Last week I weighed Nellie again and she weighed 75#. I was very happy then as our workouts were working and she was loosing weight. We have a long way to go but we will get there. My goal for Nellie is 65# but I will settle for 68-70#.
Here are some pictures of our latest hunt.
Can you tell I lost 2#?

Can you tell I lost 2#?

Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hostsPeggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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20 thoughts on “Follow-Up/FitDog Friday

  1. Thanks for joining the hop, great follow-up. I can commiserate with you about the dogs weight. I check it every time we are at the vet, mostly they hold steady but Delilah has gained a few pounds and I’m pretty sure it has to do with her not being able to run off leash. Which is something I really need to work on. 🙂

    Congrats on G-Man, that’s quite an accomplishment!!


  2. I thought the pictures with the harsh light were pretty interesting, since it’s quite different from the norm, so I did like them 😛 I had the same horror about weight recently… but it was with my own human weight… the evils of bad habits!! Haha!


  3. Isn’t it something? We have had to cut way back on Storm’s food since she was spayed. Pre-spay she never had extra weight. We were always upping her food. I told hubby the next step would be to change he food to a lower calorie food. Good luck Nellie. Storm sympathizes. 🙂


  4. Great progress with Nellie’s weight! We all know it’s not an easy thing to do, so every pound lost is an achievement. You’re going in the right direction and I’m sure you’ll get her where you want her to be.


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