Follow-Up Friday Co Host/FitDog

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


I am happy to co-hostess this weeks edition of FUF with Jodi at Heart Like A Dog.

Nothing But Norman #15

I'm giving you the Sampson yoda ear since my friend did it the other day.

I’m giving you the Sampson yoda ear since my friend did it the other day.

cape cod brown dogs says:

Nice to hear he is staying the course.. Cherish every moment.

Glad to hear he had a good week! Keep cherishing those moments!

We are cherishing every moment. This past week Norman got to get a pheasant, had a photo shoot and got another beef bone for Halloween.  Here is a sneek peek of our photo shoot.


Stop back for tomorrows edition of Nothing But Norman to see some more photos of our shoot.

Black And White Sunday






Hawk aka BrownDog says:

Hi Y’all!

How’d you do that? Get color in the birds? I assume it was an editing program.

Hawk, I do mine with a photo editing program called Corel Paint Shop. I think it is the coolest effect. If your mom would like she can do this with a free program on the internet called PicMonkey. I haven’t used this but other bloggers have. Sugar has a nice tutorial on it here

Monday Mischief

Hey why does she get to go and not me?

Hey why does she get to go and not me?

Oz the Terrier says:

The back of the couch is my FAVORITE spot for overseeing my kingdom so I think it is perfectly acceptable for Gambler to be up there. Happy Monday!

I swear Gambler spends more time up on top the couch than he does on the couch.

Tuesday’s Tails~Lilly



Fox Valley, WI 54130

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Wordless Wednesday~Stink Eye

Why can't you hit $hit mom?

Why can’t you hit $hit mom?

I took this photo with my phone while out duck hunting and I didn’t realize how pissy he looked until I saw it on the computer. I couldn’t hit $hit this day. I got one duck, John got 3.

This ‘N That Thursday~Howl-o-ween


Hugh thanks to 2browndawgs and Ruckus The Eskie the host of The Halloween Edition TNT. I had a lot of fun with this post.

Here are some bloopers of MK. Man she was pissed off, she did not want to wear this costume at all. 

I stick my tongue out at you woman!

I stick my tongue out at you woman!

This costume is dumb!

This costume is dumb!

Get this giddy up off of me!

Get this giddy up off of me!

That concludes this weeks edition of FUF, stop by Heart Like A Dog and say Hi!

Now for FitDog Friday


The Sand Spring gang as been working on getting fit this fall by hunting when ever we can. I needed to take Glory to work with me (Harmony Pet Care) this week so I weighed her. She is down 2# and her muscles are getting bigger. On my days off which were Wed and Thurs I took Gambler, Glory and Nellie pheasant hunting. We hunted for 1.5-2 hrs each day. They do a lot of walking and running with some swimming. I take all three dogs at once so they all get the same amount of exercise. Gambler was the man as he got a pheasant each day.


We got a surprise in the mail when we got home from work Tuesday night. We got our Move The Mutt bracelet from PetsMove & DogTread.

Since Nellie is the one that is overweight and needs the motivation to keep moving she modeled the bracelet for you all to see how cool it is.

Mom said I needed this on my mouth so I wouldn't eat so much.

Mom said I needed this on my mouth so I wouldn’t eat so much.

I think it looks better on my arm.

I think it looks better on my arm.

Moving with Nellie and Glory.

Moving with Nellie and Glory.

Moving with Gman and Nellie.

Moving with Gman and Nellie.

Don’t forget if you have a senior dog to enter your dog into the Senior members of PetsMove slide show. Nellie and Norman are entered and can’t wait to see the others.

Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hosts Peggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Follow-Up Friday along with FitDog Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


Nothing But Norman #14

My favorite pic from our walk.

My favorite pic from our walk.

Thank you all again for your thoughts, prayers and kind words during this difficult time of knowing when to say goodbye to a loved one.


Here’s what my vet said to me that helped me make the decision about Becca…”when your dog is terminal (as Becca was), and in pain, you can’t be too early…but you can be too late”. That was hard to hear, but it helped me do what was right for Becca, not what was right for me.

Thank you SlimDoggy for letting me know what your vet told you, it is so true and I need to listen to it so I thought I would share it with everyone else. 

Black And White Sunday




Love the picture! So I’m thinking it has to be one of your babies when they were a puppy! Which one is it?

It is Gambler.

See something interesting in the tall grass?

He was wishing he would see some ducks!

Monday Mischief~Rehab Warrior

Ruh Roo it's x-ray time.

Ruh Roo it’s x-ray time.

Gambler is off of injured reserve and is back in action running all over the place. Can’t keep him down for long. 

Scoop That Poop~ Poop Poetry

Scoop That Poop

Scoop That Poop

I have to clarify. I think The Fifth Paw is a awesome contraption, I just don’t think it works will when walking multiple dogs with multiple leashes hooked up to a very large caribeaner. The leashes got all tangled up from the dogs moving back and forth and then the poop bags got tangled in the leashes.  

Tuesday’s Tails




P.O. Box 51935
Livonia, MI 48151

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Crafty Tuesday~Paracord Dog Collar

Some of the collars I made.

Some of the collars I made.


The collars look GREAT! The paracord is fun because of all the color options. I need to learn how to make the thin leashes. Love those because they fit so nicely in a pocket.

Leashes are next Amy, I love them too and your right, so many color options.


I remember F & F from when I lived in Madison…

You lived in Madison, wow! Were you raised there or just lived there for a while. Small world!

Wordless Wednesday~Rain Jacket




Even though its raining you guys still go out. Do you have a Snow Jacket?

Yes even know it rains we still go out or should I say John and the dogs go out. Ducks love the water so some of the best hunting is in the rain. I am a fair weather hunter and if it is raining I usually don’t go. No snow jackets, just vests to keep them warm. I on the other hand have enough clothes to look like a Eskimo.

I bet a Chessie’s coat is pretty water repellent even w/o the camo-jacket!

You are so right. Chessie’s are one of the oiliest dogs out there for that reason to repel water. They were breed to be able to withstand the harsh elements of weather, in order to do that their coats need to repel water. They have a oil gland in their tail that supply’s the oil. Some male dogs will have a bare spot on their tail about 1/4 the way down from the base of the tail and that is the gland, for some reason they loose the hair over that gland. It is often called stud tail. 

 This ‘N That Thursday


Photo Boobie Bloopers

I think my boob is falling off.

I think my boob is falling off.

Can someone fetch my boobie?

Can someone fetch my boobie?

We got 'em Nellie.

We got ’em Nellie.

I think I will take it down to the lawn.

I think I will take it down to the lawn.

Give me my mom's boob.

Give me my mom’s boob.

I need to get this back to Nellie.

I need to get this back to Nellie.



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Gambler, Glory and Nellie are getting fit each day I have off. You see it is hunting season now so when I am off I take them hunting. Sometimes we go duck hunting, sometimes we go pheasant hunting yesterday Glory went goose hunting, Gambler and Nellie went pheasant hunting. Poor Gambler and Nellie walked and ran for 1 hr and 45 mins and didn’t get any birds. They got a nice workout thou and that will help Nellie burn calories and hopefully loose some weight. Glory got plenty of retrieves in a corn field this morning so she got her quota of exercise today also.

Bringing in the duck.

Bringing in the duck.

I did mostly all these retrieves so I was getting fit today.

I did mostly all these retrieves so I was getting fit today.


Please enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hostsPeggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Follow-Up Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
We would like to welcome FUF co-hostess for this week, Linda from 2browndawgs. If you haven’t visited her gang you should stop on over there she has 3 chessies that are into their hunting season having some nice adventures.
I added Nothing But Norman to this weeks FUF because I wanted to let everyone know I read each and every comment over and over. Thank you all so much for caring and taking the time to share your thoughts with us. It really helped me through that sad moment in time. I know that I am not alone and you all have been through this and other dealings with life and I am so glad I have you all. I think the time is ticking faster and faster for my buddy. Hugs back to all of you!
The original

It looks like a kaleidoscope!

Looked at it full size and i got it! It’s a nose through a kaleidoscope I think..So kewl!

Yeah your both right! I had fun with this photo shop effect.


Life would be WAY too boring without Gambler in it! He was sent to keep you on your toes for sure. :)


Wow. I suggest a video camera so next time you can see it in action!

I wish Norman could of talked because he was locked in the room with him when he got out the second time. He was probably thinking “boy, your gonna get your ass tanned when they get home!”


Sounds like a great week!

Since I’m not a hunter, I have to ask….What do you do with all those birds? Clean them and freeze them? Or do you donate some? I know the deer hunters in my area often donate their deer to homeless soup kitchens……

When we are in Saskatchewan at the farm house we breast the birds out. In order to get them back across the border you need to leave one wing attached for identification purposes, so we only keep the breast. Once home we cut the breast meat off the breast bone and remove the wing. Since it turns out to be a lot of meat like 30+ pounds we take it all in to the local butcher and have it ground up and made into mostly goose hot sticks, breakfast sausage and brats. You don’t even know it is goose since they add pork to it. This is what we live on during the summer when sitting at hunt tests.

More hunting pals photos. They had the best time in Saskatchewan. I asked if I could hunt with Glory one day so I could get some close up photos of her and John said NO!

What are the white things?


I also wondered what those white things are. Hard to tell in the photo.

Those are called rag decoys or silo socks. They are basically white bags that have some paint on them to resemble snow geese. We put out like 1000 of these guys.

Hoorah For Veterinary Technicians


Jessie and I got a sweet treat at work on Thursday. Thank you all for your kind words for technicians.

Going to look for that book now. Hoping its on Kindle… :)

You can buy it on Amazon for the Kindle. And if you like poetry you will love his blog.



Shar Pei & Chesapeake Bay Retriever • Senior • Male • Medium

Kalamazoo Animal Rescue Kalamazoo, MI

This concludes today’s FUF thank you Jodi and Linda for another great day!

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Follow-Up Friday Co-Hostess

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
I am delighted today to be able to co-hostess once again with Jodi. She cracks me up with her blog posts and I am honored to have her in my life. If you want a laugh she holds nothing back hop on over to Heart like A Dog and have her brighten your day!
Saskatchewan 2013

Saskatchewan 2013


TYLERSAT99 says:

Great picture, what am amazing amout of birds in one shot.

It truely was amazing how many birds there were.

Lol! Gambler was a top dog on a mission!

GIZMO says:
ROFLMAO right now that it is a hoot…Gambler is so clever and ingenious in winning this game of King of the Hill…(Time to break out the Pruven)
Oh he is the top dog and he is always on a mission, I can’t keep him down! I broke out the pruven for This ‘N That Thursday.

Two treats? Nellie got two treats on her birthday? Dang, don’t tell Sampson and Delilah, they’ll start making demands.

Yogurt-granola cups AND cake? Wow. I feel so guilty. I barely remember to say Happy Birthday to my pups!

Yes Nellie got two treats, she didn’t get that big by not eating. Now that her bday is over I really need to get going with PetsMove and get her extra weight off her which I know is not healthy for her. This also coming with this week being prevent pet obesity.

Wordless Wednesday~Watching Each Way

You look that way Glory, I will look this way. We are looking for birds with long legs.

You look that way Glory, I will look this way. We are looking for birds with long legs.


Oh I wonder how many birds did you guys spotted.

We spotted thousands and thousands, it was just amazing the amount of birds up there. Mainly snow geese but still a ton of birds.



Birds with long legs? Not emus I hope. :)

No they weren’t emus but Cranes. We take the crane breast and cut them into chunks, put blackened seasonings on them and soak in butter and fry on high heat in a cast iron skillet. It is very nummy that way.

Middle level.

Middle level.


Gambler on the cat perch? My dogs wouldn’t have enough coordination to do that. We are totally impressed! Sharing Rocky.

Yes Gambler on the perch, he used the low perch then I sat him on the middle one. He was all wobbly when he jumped up there and then I put him up and told him to sit and he did.


MK is really becoming a beautiful cat!

Thank you very much. MK had a rude awaking today when I took her to work to just have a kidney ultrasound done to see if indeed she only had one kidney before her spay and declaw surgery next week. The ultrasound confirmed she only has one kidney on the left side. It looked good so since we had time we went ahead and spayed her and declawed her. She is waking up now and is in stoner land.

Prepping out in treatment.

Prepping out in treatment.

Prepped and ready to go.

Prepped and ready to go.

Making the incision.

Making the incision.

Using the laser to remove the ovary and uterus.

Using the laser to remove the ovary and uterus.



She is recovery nicely, rest and staying inside for 10-14 days. She won’t be happy with me. She also got microchipped so she comes back to me if she gets lost.




Appleton, WI 54915

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That’s it for today, thanks again Jodi for letting me co-hostess. Have a great weekend.

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Follow-Up Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.

Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


This weeks FUF is going to be different than the other FUF. I won’t be answering any questions as I am pre blogging this post as I am still up in Saskatchewan and I have no internet service. I am going to follow up with the group photo’s from hunting showing the birds we got.





The above photos were all taken in 2010 when we hunted with Norman, Nellie and daughter Pearl.







The above photos are from 2011. Norman, Pearl, Sadie, Gambler and Marie.

I did want to show you the color picture of Gambler and Marie that I used for Black And White Sunday this week.



Follow-Up Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.
Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.
Today’s co hostess is Sue from The Golden Life.

Don’t you just love photo books!

I do love photo books. I have been slowly but surly getting some pictures off my computer and putting them in books. 

That was so cute. Did you use treats, or were they just interested in the book?

No treats were used. I just made them sit on the chair and they did the rest.

Scoop That Poop~Be A Scooper Hero

Scooper Hero Gman

Scooper Hero Gman


My question, why can’t poor Nellie drop a deuce without someone climbing on her head? Have they no respcet for the pooping ceremony?

Look who is ramming Nellie in the head, it is Gman, he has NO respect at all for others. It is all about him. Since he got to wear the cape he thought his poop didn’t stink and he could do what ever he wanted to.

Tuesday’s Tails~Miss Holly-Lover


Castaway Pet Rescue, Crystal Lake, IL

Human Shaming~Shame On JoAnn



Update on Ghetto car. Tuesday night I was driving home from work which is a 85 mile drive. I went to use the breaks and there were no breaks. They made a horrendous noise and I could push them to the floor board without them doing anything. Luckly I have a stick shift so I can down shift to break and slow down. I made it home just fine. When got home looked at the break fluid which was none. Filled it up and was good to go the next day. DAA adverted for the time being.

This ‘N That Thursday



We packed the truck and trailer and were off to Saskatchewan for a week of hunting. Norman, Nellie and MK wanted to stow away with us.


Does the dog watch while the tube with the rat is hidden?

The dog shouldn’t see where the rat is hidden. They should sniff it how without knowing where it is at.

Hope everyone has a great week, the next blog posts will be pre-empted, they are stories from prior Saskatchewan hunts. I will be following up with your blogs when I get home. Be safe all and see you when I get back.


Follow-Up Friday

Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that let’s you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.

Follow-Up Friday Blog Hop

Today’s co-hostess is 2browndawgs. Stop on over and visit with another Chessie lover and see what her gang is up to.
Sorry this is going to be another short post as I still have no computer and this post I am doing on my nexus. I can’t seem to add a link to 2browndawgs or to anything thing else. I am going computer shopping tomorrow so hopefully I will be back in business for Saturday’s Nothing But Norman post.
First off remember to order your 2nd annual dogs of blogville 2014 calendar. Norman is August so I know you all want to stare at him all month like I do because he is just that handsome. So hop on over to fuf host Heart like A Dog and get your calendar.
Black And White Sunday
See post here. Sorry no original picture. Maybe after I get my new outer I can redo this post.
The little pink rose was on a rose bush hidden in my jungle of weeds. I was surprised to see such a pretty site in my jungle.
Monday Mischief/Tasty Tuesday ~sausage thief
The sausage thief would be non other than Gambler. He is so fast and sneeky and your right all the dogs benefited from his mischief. The sausage was made from the geese we harvested in Canada last year. I should say John harvested as I was in England at that time. We get so many geese we surely can’t eat that many so we take take the meat to Johnson’s Sausage Shoppe in Rio, WI and have goose hot sticks, sausage, gyro meat made. It is all very mummy just ask Gambler.
Tuesday’s Tails
I want to take a moment to welcome the host of Tuesday’s tails back. Lisa took some time off to grief for her beloved Phe. Hop on over and give her a cyber hug she sure could use one.
Check out Aspen and help her find her forever home.
Wordless Wednesday~Caught a big one
That silly marsh kitty has found the toilet. What a clown.
This ‘N That Thursday
Mk got the lime life 2 days in a row since my outer blew up. She has discovered the vase with the peacock feathers so she is having a ball knocking stuff over.
That concludes this edition of fun. Again forgive the bad post. I really want to do a blog post a day so this is what you get when I am improvising.
Have a great weekend.

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Follow-Up Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.

Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


Today’s co-hostess is the one and only master  Flea from Jones Natural Chews. Stop on over and see what her crazy chickens are up too!

Black And White Sunday



DONNA says:

Lovely sky shot. The geese almost look real! (are they?) :-)

Donna, they are John’s new decoys he bought for goose hunting. They are really life like.


Looks dark, time to go home for breakfast or dinner? :P

It’s breakfast time. We got up at 4:30 am to go out and set these buggers out and do some hunting.

Monday Mischief~Eat Big ~ Big Poopies

2013-09-03 11.04.27

I loved reading the comments on Monday Mischief. They had me laughing. Good to hear others hike their ass’s up high too!


ROTFBOL! Even if I did hike my ass up high, I still couldn’t poop on top of a bush! I’m too short!
*high paw*


OMD!!! LOLOLOL!!! Best mischief so far today! The wiens are too small to poop on bushes, no matter how high they could hike up their asses!

Oz  and The Weiners, so you can par take in the hiking your ass up high on a bush I am going to send you a ladder or a bench next to a bush.

Tuesday’s Tails



Humane Society of Barron County, Barron, WI

Photo Shoot ~Glory-ous


Thank you for all the nice comments on how Glory-ous Glory is. Smile

Wordless Wednesday


This ‘N That Thursday

More show pictures

2013-09-08 09.34.12



Glory’s boyfriend Waylon



Cur-San’s dog “Cash”



The 2014 2nd Annual Dogs Of Blogville Calendar is ready for purchase. Hop on over to Heart Like A Dog and use the paypal button on the right side bar to order up your calendars. To save on shipping so more monies goes to Bennie The Frenchie if you know others near you that are going to purchase it could you put together a group order so only one shipping cost. Thank you much, I know I will be ordering a bunch as Norman is AUGUST!

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

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Follow-up Friday- FitDog

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.

Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


Today’s co-hostess is a new co-hostess to FUF, Dawn from Pet Auto Safety. Stop on over and say Hi to Dawn.

Black And White Sunday




Congratulations on making the calendar! That is awesome! Norman is beautiful :)

Yes Yes Norman made it into the 2nd Annual Dogs Of Blogville calendar 2014. We are super excited and can’t wait for 2014 so we can look at all the beautiful dog pictures. Congrats to all the winners. Thank you Jodi at  Heart Like A Dog and Julie at The Daily Dog Blog for hosting this calendar contest to raise money for Benny The Frenchie. I will post up information later on when and how you can purchase a 2014 calendar.

Monday Mischief~Who Dun It?


Look at those innocent faces. I think that little mousy somehow came to life in the middle of the night and caused all that destruction. Really. ;-)


I agree with Miss Harper Lee- the mouse! That’s why all those sweet innocent pets were playing with it. They needed to keep that naughty mouse away from their beloved bed!

DONNA says:

I agree with the others. The mouse definitely is to blame.


Hi Y’all!

The cat looks innocent. Maybe it was a gremlin? or they ALL were involved. BOL! Guess we’ll never know since there were no witnesses unless it was the culprits!

Your right the mouse/gremlin did it! MK has the situation under control!


I got you now little mousie, no more bed wrecking.


Let me just take you out of here so you can’t destroy anything else and make it look like G & G did it.

Tuesday’s Tales




4 Paws 4 U 4 Ever, West Chicago, IL

Wordless Wednesday~Double Moon


JODI says:

You are so naughty. LOL

Your lucky it was only a double moon and not a triple moon as when I was taking the picture my friend said that he could moon me too, I said that was ok didn’t need to see that moon. Open-mouthed smile

Gambler’s Annual Veterinary Visit

2013-09-03 10.59.10

TARYN says:

Fortunately, dogs like corgis, with prick ears, aren’t very prone to ear infection so I have never dealt with one.

You are so right, the dogs with ears that stand up usually have far less ear infections since the ear canal is open to air dry.

I am surprised you got so many vaccinations at one time. I always spread mine out so as not to overwhelm the dog’s immune system.

We give vaccinations at the same time unless a puppy, small dog or a dog that had reactions in the past. Gambler hasn’t had any reactions in the past so we felt comfortable giving all three vaccines the same day. If the vaccines are spaced out then they need to be spaced out by over 2 weeks, if done in a time period less than that then the new vaccine works over the old der vaccine so that older vaccine doesn’t work.


oh wow I never knew that dogs could even get yeast infections!

Yes they can. They can even get yeast infections on the skin. The normal skin flora contains some bacteria and some yeast. It is when there is a problem that the bacteria and yeast get out of control and cause skin infections or ear infections.

This ‘N That Thursday


WERNECKE91 says:

Ok, your question of the day from me is about the doves. Do you eat them? Use them for training both while actively hunting and then as freezer birds?

Yes we ate them, this was the first year I actually ate them. We just breast them out and then I put some flour and seasonings on them fried them in olive oil and butter. They were nice tender little morsels. The hunting was a training experience as the dogs have to sit quietly and not break which is hard since the action is happening right in front of them and the birds land so close to them. They are little so sometimes hard to find.

FUF is a blog hop

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Today we are also joining FitDog Friday Blog Hop:


Gambler showing his FitDog Friday Cardio Exercise. This week he has been working on his Cardio exercises by going dove hunting. He as so much energy when a dove goes down he goes to retrieve it and then takes a victory lap around the field to show off his prize and get in his cardio workout for the day.

DSC_0436 DSC_0437

fitDogFriday_avatarPlease enjoy our FitDog Friday Blog Hop brought to you by SlimDoggy and our co-hostsPeggy’s Pet Place and To Dog With Love. Join the Hop or just enjoy the links below – lots of fun fitness tips and advice!

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Have a great weekend, this weekend Glory and I will be going to the American Chesapeake Club supported show. This is the first time we have ever attended a show like this. It should be a lot of fun hanging out with many different Chesapeake people and their dogs. There are 11 females in the ring together so major points will be awarded. Please say a good luck prayer for Miss Gloryous.


Follow-up Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.

Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


Co-Hostessing this week is the funny Flea from Jones Natural Chews. Hop on over and see who she is dishing treats out to.

Black And White Sunday

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Miss Nellie

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Miss Glory

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Mr. Norman



Mr. Gambler

Monday Norman Mischief


G & G Accomplishments



Tuesday’s Tails



Wordless Wednesday~A Stick


Norman loves sticks and roots. He will pull and tug on roots in the water just so he can break off a piece for you to throw for him.


Norman says “give me that stick, I love sticks”!


Nom, Nom, Nom I love sticks!


Thanks again blog friends for all the great stuff you gave a-way or had for a contest.

Here are the out take photos.


Hmmm, who left this bag of yummy Zuke’s treats sitting here?


I don’t think anyone is watching, so I will just help myself.


Making my get away.


Thanks for the Zuke’s Sugar!

This ‘N That Thursday


Here was my favorite picture from our lake visit on Wednesday that I didn’t post up yesterday. Isn’t she a beauty?



Ok more like mom would like you to vote. You can follow the link below, scroll way down to the bottom and click on Norman: Sand Spring Chesapeakes. You can vote once a day until next Sunday. The 12 pictures with the most votes get to be in the 2014 calendar. Then you can order a calender when they come out and the proceeds will go to help Benny The Frenchie.

Vote here

Have a great and safe weekend.

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