Mischief Monday~Two Mischief’s In One Day

While we were out for some exercise the other day before the deep freeze the gang and I was walking through the pasture to get back home when all of a sudden Nellie stopped, put her nose to the ground and started sniffing the dirt. Of course you can’t do anything without the Gman noticing so off he ran to see what Nellie was doing.

I better see what is in here.

Nellie, if you find a mouse hole you need to check it out.

Nellie, you dig a bigger hole so you can see the mouse.

Hello Mr. Mouse…..are you in there?

Gambler dug to china and no mouse, must of been a old hole.

Next mischief was went we went to feed the pheasants, of course Gambler has to scour the garden in hopes to find his friend the pheasant.

Lookie, lookie what I found in the garden!

I will get you Miss Pheasant!

The pheasant is gaining air.

You can’t fly faster than I can run.

And the slip, the pheasant got the best of Gambler and flew off.

Better luck next time Gman, guess you better be sharper than the pheasant.

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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31 thoughts on “Mischief Monday~Two Mischief’s In One Day

  1. cool, you nearly made it to France G-man… just a little more to the right side and we can connect our tunnels… and next year Santa should bring you a flying machine or an ack ack gun for that pheasant ….


  2. We have mole holes in our backyard and my late canine sister Lexi used to love to dig down and retrieve (even though she was a terrier mix) those helpless little creatures. It did not make my mommy happy. She’s glad I didn’t pick up that disgusting little habit!


  3. Boy, Gman, you’re thorough – going after critters by land and by air. Now you just need to go after one in the water and you’ll have hit the trifecta! (Too bad you didn’t catch any critters for your efforts! Next time!)


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