Follow Up Friday

We are joining Jodi at Heart Like A Dog for Follow-Up Friday.

Welcome to this week’s edition of Follow-Up Friday, the blog hop that lets you wrap up your week and leads you right into the weekend.


The Co-Hostess this week for FUF is Sue from The Golden Life.

Black and White Sunday

glorye - Copy


This photo was taken last year by my friend Kathy Case.


what happens to the flower afterwards? :P Cute picture :)

MEL says:

OMG what an awesome photo. I have to say I have never seen one like that in the hop before, or anywhere for that matter. Love the touch of color. What happened to the lily after it made it to shore?

The poor water lily didn’t make it. Once done carrying it around she pulled all pedals off of it and they went floating on off.


Is that Glory? How in the world did you get her to carry a flower?

Yes that is Miss Glory. I just threw the flower and that is how she picked it up.

Monday Mischief


My dogs have pee’d in the water before but never had a floater! Glory is quite the girl!


Where’s Norman ?

Norman is such a good boy her doesn’t make poopy mischief. He was playing away from the mischief.

Tuesday’s Tails




Appleton Animal Adoptions Inc., Menasha, WI

Wordless Wednesday


More trespassing! Is it trespassing if there is no sign?




This is one of those circus fun house mirror photo. Bendy dog!



Norman’s not to old for trespassing mischief.

This ‘N That Thursday

GIZMO says:

Now, showing my age…I remember Bobby Darin doing “Beyond the Sea” 87 years ago…Who is singing on your video?

This version was done by Celtic Women


This is a picture I took while training yesterday. I forgot my camera so I didn’t take any other training pictures. It was a wonderful day, it was just right temp, we had a little sun and a little clouds. We were fortunate to be able to train on a pro trainers property since he was off using someone else’s place. Gambler did so well. Glory did alright, she still has a small problem of going out to long marks in the water. I think I got her number thou, if I send her on BACK instead of her name she hauls ass out there and doesn’t look back so I guess she rather be called BACK than Glory. When I use her name she goes out a little ways and then turns around and looks at me and stalls until I call her back and resend her. Sometimes she goes on the first try and sometimes she hasn’t gone until I send her 2-3 times but when I say BACK she jumps right in so that is what I am going to try, she needs 2 more passes this weekend for her Junior Hunter title.

A little of that:

I can not believe I totally forgot about MK yesterday and didn’t include her on the post. You know she is on  my header so I need to include her.

Well here she is:




I also need to say a big thank you to Slim Doggy for interviewing me along with another blogger friend 2browndawgs, who has chesapeakes that train, run hunt tests and hunt along with Anne and Terry who own a champion Weimaraner. Slim Doggy interviewed us for insight on Fitness Tips for Hunting Dogs. They have a really nice article that you can read about on their FitDog Friday Blog. Here it is if you missed it.


I am now so but surely getting stuff up on PINTEREST, come follow along with Sand Spring and I.

That’s it for today’s FUF. Have a great weekend!

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12 thoughts on “Follow Up Friday

  1. Excellent FUF! Wonderful pictures too.

    Good luck on the tests this weekend. That sure looks like a great training ground and you got a nice picture.

    Storm used to pop like that on water marks. What her trainer did (and then us), was to give her a back cast as soon as we thought she was turning. We did not stop her with the whistle. We just gave her the “back”. Eventually she got the picture.


  2. Great FUF thanks for joining the hop! Glory took the kids to the pool. LOL the funny thing is, I could see Delilah dropping deuce in the water too.

    I ran out of space in my FUF but your story of running around the yard naked after the cat was hysterical. I could picture it, but I’m also picturing that you have a bit of land and distance between you and your neighbors. I could never get away with something like that. Well maybe out on my deck in the summer when there is good coverage. 🙂

    Good luck this weekend, I hope your BACK command works with Miss Glory.


    • Ha ha it took me a moment to figure out the taking the kids to the pool but then I got it! Yes she did she also released the hostages! I hope Miss Glory does good and that I have good news to report next week. Have a wonderful weekend.


  3. MK is SO cute!

    I’m struggling with the grey text responses here on Friday. Maybe my eyes are just getting old, but they’re tough to read. Help an old woman out, will ya? 😉


  4. Thank you for the tip on who was singing…I’d missed the photo in B & W and it’s really lovely That what I like about FUF…catching up on the stuff I miss…I remember being taught that when you want a dog to stay still you use their name but if you want them to move you give the command without using their name…I’m older than flea andyes, the grayish text is a little tough to see today


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