The Queen Of Hearts Dance~ Stanzie Is Gman’s Queen

lgthe queen of hearts

Thank you Madi & Mom for hosting this great event. 

It’s time it’s time it’s Valentines Day and time for me to wine and dine my sweetheart Stanzie. We are headed to The Queen of Hearts Dance.

I have never been to a dance before nor on a date so I hope I don’t mess things up with this little lady. 

Do you all think she will think I am cool?

Do you all think she will think I am cool?

So let the festivities begin! I start out by jumping in my really cool camouflage big badass truck and head over to pick up Stanzie for our date. Stanzie’s idea of the perfect date is going on a hunt and deading something, going along with that her favorite food is Turkey. Boy do I have a surprise for her. 

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I hear she likes her man to be manly……I think I am pretty manly in this bigass truck, she for sure should fall for me. 

stanzie in flight 2 low kb light

I arrive at Stanzie’s and she is so excited to see me she fly’s out of the house and races down to meet me. It’s time to give her the big surprise before the dance. But first let me see if she will let me give her a big smoochie.
stanzie smiles
I’m not all redneck Stanzie, I bring you these beautiful roses too. Shhhh…..Madi gave them to me to give to you 😉
For our first date Stanzie I brought you a deaded Turkey, next date I will take you hunting and have you help deaden something. 
Stanzie Dance! copy
Time to get rolling and head on over to the Queen Of Hearts Dance. 
Since we had our formal wear on Stanzie suggested we take her car to the dance. She said I could drive! How cool is that? So of course I said yes and away we went!
The complete list of events can be found here, follow along with the fun.
Here we are, ready to get down with all the others and pawty!
pin a heart 2
During the dance we get to play Pin The Heart On The Donkey. You can follow along here. Thank you Margs Animals for hosting this event. 
The next event I am going to sneek away and do as I don’t want to upset my sweetheart. I am headed over to the Kissing Booth for a sweet kiss from Cinderella. You can follow along here. Don’t tell Stanzie what shenanigans I am up to. Thank you  to The Legacy Chronicles for hosting this event.
I also sent off a Love Message which you can read here. Thank you Maggie Mae and Max for hosting this event.
Now onto the really cool event…….The Garden Walk which you can see here. Thank you to my girlfriend Stanzie and her brother Wyatt from Gardening With Wyatt for hosting this event. This was really awesome, I think we look spectacular doing the garden walk!
romantic night garden with G and S
Love is definitely in the air tonight, this has been the best dance ever and I have the best date ever. Since Stanzie doesn’t care about age or height, she just likes studs I have a question for her.


Thanks to Easy and Frank for a match made in heaven!


Don’t forget to check out all the events and see the fun being had by all. 

Check it out here!

Thank you Stanzie for a wonderful first date!

Love Gambler, Gman, G$ and the Giblet!