Andis Deshedding Tool~Thanks Oz And Andis

A while back – so this post is long over due (sorry Oz) I won a give away over at Oz The Terrier’s place. He was reviewing the Andis Deshedding tool. I couldn’t have won the contest at a better time as my gang was shedding big time.

Nellie was the biggest shedder so she got to test it out first. She has a thick curly double coat.

She has a thick curly double coat.

Glory thought she should check out the excitement.

The excitement is this Deshedding tool by Andis. Andis is actually a company from WI, and the owners of the place where I work know the owners of Andis so we get to use their clippers for shaving our surgery patients. We don’t have any of their other grooming tools so it was nice to get this and try it out.

Brushing Nellie.

It really gets down through her thick coat. Has a nice soft handle that is easy to grip and use.

Lots of hair removed.

Easy to remove the hair.

Hi mom look at at the hair I got rid of!

Even the cat thought she should have a try at it.

Brushing MK.

MK thinking about being sassy.

MK not thinking and really being sassy and biting me.

Lots of hair removed from MK.

The birds will enjoy this hair.

So thanks a lot Oz and Gina for this great tool, we really like it and it will come in handy with 3 adult dogs shedding twice a year.

And of course I couldn’t have a Monday Mischief post without any mischief now could I?

For the past two months it’s been Gambler and I each Wednesday and Friday for hunt test training. We get up, go train with our friends, I go to lunch while Gambler waits then we both go for ice cream. Can’t beat that can you? You all know we had a horrible day on Tuesday so I was in no mood to go training so that meant Gambler was taken away from his normal routine. Gambler knew what day it was and this is what I walked out to after letting him outside to go potty.

My bumper bag, bumpers and umbrella stand spread over the lawn with the bag all ripped up.

Umbrella stand. Which must of been connected to the bag.

Hi mom it’s Wednesday lets got train!

The whole gang got some bumpers thrown for them. Glory thought it was nice to take a break from raising her puppies and retrieve a couple of bumpers.

Gambler will be back to training this Wednesday so hopefully he doesn’t have to give me a big ole hint of which day it is!

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.


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14 thoughts on “Andis Deshedding Tool~Thanks Oz And Andis

  1. I guess Gambler showed you what he thinks about skipping a day of training! That is hardcore! BOL! I’ve read good things about the Andis tool. Congratulations on the win. Tell M.K. that M.K.’s don’t bite the hand that feeds them. ☺


  2. Hi Y’all!

    BOL! Good ol’ GMan! Always good for a great laugh!

    My Human has taken to using that “other” shedder. I shed heavy spring and fall but all year round too. Just the other day she got a mini poodle out of me! (Thank heavens it wasn’t a real one.)

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


  3. Well, so glad the gang likes the Andis deshedding tool! It really gets through a double coat to remove the furs and wow! So much fur came out of Nellie. BOL I see GMan is up to his usual antics…do you think that he knew Tuesday was a hard day for you so he was just trying to lighten the mood for you on Wednesday? It is possible…even if it is GMan.


  4. you give that hairs to he berds? really? let’s make fake beards with that hair and the we can enter a bar for a beer :o) how much bags has your mom to buy efurry year G-man? … bet more than 87, right? Maybe Jimmy Choo will read this post and he can sponsor your mom efurry month (or week) with a new bag …


  5. Looks like a great grooming tool! I’m supposed to be getting a similar one from another company before summer is over, but that one looks simple to use. Love that it worked for MK, too.


  6. Well, it worked out well for the other two since Gambler got them some play time too (Glory must have especially enjoyed that break).
    That brush looks great! We could definitely use one of those for Sheba.


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