Gambler’s Push Up Challenge

This past weekend Gambler was challenged by his pal’s Nakota and Chessey to do more than 3 push ups. He took the challenge and did 4 with the help of a old Jones Natural Chew rib bone. This challenge was to help raise awarness for Ms Veteran America and Final Salute.

My friend Nichole Alred is a Veteran and is competing for Ms Veteran America.

A little bit about Ms Veteran America: Ms Veteran America is not a beauty pageant, it is a competition. Ms Veteran America is a platform to raise awareness for Final Salute INC. Final Salute INC provides homeless women Veterans with safe and suitable housing. The founder of Final Salute INC, CPT Jas Boothe, found herself homeless & battling cancer. She not only had the courage and strength to get back on her feet, but also found the compassion and selfless service to help her sisters who are facing the same situation she once did. THIS is why I chose to get involved and THIS is why I am competing for Ms Veteran America. It will allow me to help my sisters on a much larger scale than what I am able to do on my own. I hope you will follow me on this journey! It is going to be an amazing year. “It doesn’t matter who you are, or where you come from, you have the ability to triumph” ~ CPT Jas Boothe

I am proud of Nichole, she has raised over $10,000, if you would like to donate there is still time you can so by going here. I wish her luck in the finals,  25 finalist will be announced July 5th. The 25 will go onto the finals in October in Vegas Ms Veteran America will be announced then. Thank you for all you have done for the homeless women Veterans! God Bless!


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17 thoughts on “Gambler’s Push Up Challenge

  1. Hi Y’all!

    That is a wonderful cause. My Humans were not aware of it. Hey! G-Man! Bring a great cause to light and work on your fitness at the same time! Way to go!

    Y’all come on by,
    Hawk aka BrownDog


  2. He face kept saying…’give me the treat, give me the treat!’ Outstanding work, Gambler and a terrific cause. Love how MK was there to ‘cheer’ him on. Gotta love photo bombing kitties. Have a safe and happy howliday. 🙂


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