Monday Mischief~Holiday Decorations

As you know from my Nothing But Norman #22 post I don’t usually put up decorations but this year I did. I posted up this picture on Facebook and many asked how long it would take Gambler to wreck the tree?

How long before Gambler wrecks the tree?

How long before Gambler wrecks the tree?

What's this tree doing in here?

What’s this tree doing in here?

I think there is something in this tree?

I think there is something in this tree?

I wonder what this is?

I wonder what this is?

Watcha got there Gman?

Watcha got there Gman?





It took Gambler one day to discover the ribbons on the tree and pull one off he also found the cinnamon stick decoration and carried that around. A whole lot of new mischief around the house this month.

The best for last!

The best for last!

The best for last is Gambler on the table stealing the cat’s toy because it sounded like a real bird and MK just sitting there letting him do it.

Are your dogs leaving your decorations alone?

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s BlogSnoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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19 thoughts on “Monday Mischief~Holiday Decorations

  1. therefore the door of our living room is locked, Easy’s sniffing on the tree looks queer I’m afraid he will decorate it with some yellow marks :o) I wonder that MK shared the toy with Gambler without protesting :o)


  2. That is like Delilah! She has gotten more ornaments! This year i just did ribbons and crystals and so far she hasn’t touched it, BUT we can’t put any presents under there. 😦

    I can’t believe he got up on the table, Delilah is NOT THAT BOLD!


  3. I think Gambler might be part mountain goat, and I love the pictures of him just holding that cinnamon stick decoration. It’s as if he’s thinking, “Ok, now that I have it, what should I do with it?” I’ve never touched anything on the Christmas tree, but my humans do put the more fragile ornaments a little higher up because I have a very happy tail!


  4. Oh Gambler, what a funny guy! I leave the decorations alone…except for my stocking. I check it with nosetaps every morning and every night to see if there is anything inside it yet. Sadly, it is still empty.
    *Cairn cuddles*


  5. G-man…you crack me up!

    So far so good around here. We really don’t leave the dogs alone with the tree. Well except Thunder who has shown no interest in it. One year (pre-Chessies) our Golden ate glass ornaments off the tree and chewed the Nativity set. Even baby Jesus was not spared. He chewed his head off!

    I came home from work and had to rush him off to the ER vet. I wasn’t sure what happened to the ornament hooks. X-rays confirmed glass in his stomach but no hooks. He made it through with no bad effects,but from that time on, he was crated at Christmas. Golden goat we called him. 🙂


  6. That just really cracked me up when I saw it on Facebook…..I had to show my hubby too! Surely you put that tree up just for the animals entertainment, right?
    We don’t put up a tree most years, and I try to put any other decorations out of their reach. Though I did think on the dining room table might be safe….not so sure now! lol


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