Monday Mischief ~Birthday Boy

My Mischief started 2 years ago on Friday the 13th with the birth of my #1 mischief maker. He was “lime green boy” one of 8 puppies out of my male HRCH Sand Spring Norm Of Caroway MH and HRCH Hope Springs Dowry MH***



I wanted a light male if there was one and low and behold there was one and he was all mine. I brought him home at 7 weeks of age, gave him the name of “Gambler” nicknamed “Gman, G$, Giblet, Giebler”  from that day forward he has been the biggest mischief maker I have had so far. Norman and Nellie were easy pups, not this guy. Maybe it was because I brought his sister Marie home with me to. She would stay with me for 5 months waiting for her time to be able to fly to the UK. I used to call these two the terrorist or the gruesome twosome. They were always into something. What one didn’t think of the other one thought of. They kept me on my toes and at the time I thought to my self I would never get 2 pups at the same time again!


Gambler has helped me clean out my house as he would get into lots of mischief by chewing on anything not bolted down. He broke more knick knacks than I can count on 2 hands, he has destroyed more area rugs than any dog I have ever owned. He loved to eat candles, wood, dog beds……..Needless to say my house is less cluttered. All the time he was destroying stuff he has wormed his way into my heart. I have wanted a Norman pup ever since Norman was old enough to reproduce. It took me 8 years and I finally got one and I wouldn’t trade him for any other dog in the world. He is the most gentle guy, he cleans my face raw with his kisses, he always sleeps curled up in a ball up by my head with his head laying on my chest sometime during the night. He is so quite also, while all the other dogs will bark when they hear a noise, he will just look around at what they are barking at. He hardly ever makes a peep. I think I heard him bark at something two times. He will thou do the chessie roo when he is excited. He will grab anything he can get in his mouth and roo while he is running around with the item in his mouth. He will also roo when he is getting reprimanded as if to tell us what four!

Gambler roo’in with my boot.


In the past 2 years I have gotten his UKC conformation title on him along with being the #1 chessie in the 2012 UKC Top Ten breed standing, he has gotten his UKC Started Hunter title as well as his AKC Junior Hunter title. I have also trained him to hunt upland and waterfowl, he as already been to Canada snow goose hunting. He is turning out to be one heck of a dog, friend, companion, and possibly a new soulmate (right now daddy Norman is my soulmate).




Gambler ukc ch


After all the titles I have gotten on him his registered name looks like this now: SHR U-CH Sand Spring Ev’ry Paw’s A Winner JH. Hopefully one day those titles will change and become bigger better ones in there place.


Gman speaking:

I had a great Birthday party. I had to celebrate this past weekend as mom was out of town for work on my Birthday. We had tons of fun. I got to bop for hotdogs, pop balloons, open presents, eat cake, wear different outfits. The other doggies in the house got to wear my birthday hats and eat cake. What a grand time I had.

Bopping for hotdogs
Opening presents


My friends call me G$.


I wanted a gator themed party and all I got was this stupid hat.


Birthday costume fun.


Popping balloons.


Num, num, num eating hotdogs is fun.


Being goofy.


The gang.


Birthday cake recipe from Misty Shores Chesapeakes. Thanks for the recipe it is so easy and the dogs love it.



I can hold 4 Birthday horns. Toot, Toot, Toot, Toot!



More Birthday presents!

My mom made a couple of picture videos of me, the first one is of my brothers and sisters and the second one is just me. My mom really loves me.

Littermates 2 years old
My 2nd Birthday video

Hope you had a wonderful 2nd Birthday Gambler! I love you!

monday mischief

This is a Blog Hop. Thanks to Alfie’s Blog, Snoopy’s Dog Blog , Luna, a Dog’s Life , and My Brown Newfies for setting up this hop. Please go to any of the sponsoring blogs to find out who else has been mischievous.

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15 thoughts on “Monday Mischief ~Birthday Boy

  1. Happy Birthday, Gman! Your pictures and videos are great. After seeing how your humans went all out for your birthday, my mommy thinks she may have to up her game for my fifth birthday celebration next year. 😉 You are so handsome and smart, and I can tell your mommy really, really loves you!


  2. Gman, you are one lucky pup to have a mom who loves you so much. It was a lot of fun to watch your videos – thanks for sharing. I’m a guy, so I can’t say how handsome you are, but my sister Maggie says you are pretty “cute” – her words, not mine.


  3. Happy Birthday G$! You had a super kewl pawty and I love all the games but Momz sez the picture near the top of the two pups holding duck decoys is the best…she LOVES that one…I want to come bob fur hot dogs at your next pawty pawleeze 🙂


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