Sand Spring Received Another Award

Thanks goes out to Misty Shores Chesapeakes for giving Sand Spring The Reader Appreciation award, One Lovely Blog Award, The Addictive Blog Award and Wonderful Team Member Readership Award! I’m new to blogging and following other blogs, I love to read about what others are up to with their furry friends. Thanks again Misty Shores Chesapeakes, I would be happy to pass these awards on to the other great bloggers out there.

Here are the award rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog.

2. Award Your Top 6 Bloggers (who have commented the most)

3. Be Thankful (Appreciative & Grateful too)

4. You cannot award someone who has already been awarded. You cannot give the award back to me.

5. Remember to tell the bloggers you have awarded.

6. If you do not want to pass on this award, that is okay too. Just ADMIRE It!

7. Post 7 interesting things about yourself.

I’m going to break the rules on receiving awards as I haven’t been blogging long and don’t have a big following or follow that many blogs so I will probably be giving this award out to my blogging friends who already got it and I might not be able to pass it on to my 6 top bloggers (don’t think I have that many 😦   ).

7 Intresting things about me.

1. I don’t much like chocolate but will eat on occasion.

2. My parents both died when they were 47. I’m waiting to by pass 47 which will be in 5 years.

3. I used to own 6 cats, now I have none.

4. I am traveling overseas for the first time in a few weeks to the UK.

5. I ran my first AKC Senior hunt test this past fall and passed with Gambler one time.

6. I showed Gambler and Glory in UKC conformation and got their titles, never did that before.

7. My favorite colors are orange and lime green.

These are the blogs I would like to pass this award onto.

2 browndawgs


Long Life Cats and Dogs

Just Ramblin

Russel Ray Photos

Books Forever1

6 thoughts on “Sand Spring Received Another Award

  1. Congrats on your awards. You deserve them. You have a great blog. Thanks for passing them along to us. We are really behind again. I will try to get some posts up soon. 🙂

    Gosh your parents passed young. My mother passed at 63 which I think of as young. I understand what you are saying about waiting to pass the age.


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