Thursday Barks And Bytes~G & G Pick Up Dogs

This past weekend Gambler and Glory got to be pick up dogs for a guided goose hunt that my friend Justin set up. If you saw my Wordless Wednesday post yesterday you saw that Gambler is staying with Justin. Saturday was a trial run to see how Gambler got along with Justin before I left him there. Glory also got invited on the hunt as it was a 5 man hunt along with John, I and Justin so we could get 16 birds total. That’s a lot of retrieves so why not have the G team work together to get the birds. This particular day it was cloudy and misty rain. I only got a couple pictures of Gambler working and again they didn’t turn out to hot, still messing with the settings on my camera in that darn low light.

Gambler retrieving a goose.

All mine, mine, mine.

Nope, not all yours buddy, Glory retrieved some too.

Without the help of these guys you would of got none.

It’s all about me!

Two bonus birds, a snow goose and a blue goose.



The co-hosts for Barks And Bytes are Linda from 2browndawgs and Jodi from Heart Like A Dog.

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15 thoughts on “Thursday Barks And Bytes~G & G Pick Up Dogs

  1. Looks like a great hunt! I have trouble with taking pictures when the light is dim too. Dark days are the hardest for me if the dogs are moving. Cloudy is fine but the dark days I find tough. You got some nice posed pictures. Thanks for joining the hop!


  2. You know, every morning we walk in pitch black and every morning I have my camera tucked in my back pocket. Every morning I come back from my walk not having taken a single photo. LOL I haven’t figured out my camera either!!

    Looks like a good time was had by all. I can’t wait to hear about your adventure.

    Thanks for joining the blog hop.


  3. You got good pictures especially in that weather. The Chessies did a great job and are very proud. Those birds look almost as big as the dogs when they are laid out. Glad you had a great day 🙂


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